Advice on river...give up or bluff?

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Advice on river...give up or bluff?

Hey guys...just recently returned to Stars after a very long hiatus. Game is 2/4 PLO, 6 handed.

Villain in SB with $398
Hero in BB with $380

Hero hand: Jh10d9h6s

Action pre- folds around to SB and he 3x raises to $12

I had been flatting big for most of game and want to develop a 3-bet range in the BB that has some single-suited connectors (thoughts on this are welcome but to me this seems standard)

He flats. Pot is $56.

Flop: JdKh4h (hero flops mid pair and flush draw)

Villain checks, Hero bets 50% pot, Villain calls.

Turn: 5s

Villain checks, hero bets $68, villain calls.

River: 4c

Villain checks, hero bets $188. Villain folds.

Advice on turn and river?

I feel like the flop texture heavily favours my range here. Turn is a blank and checking back pretty much surrenders. I think I have a decent amnt of fold equity and im setting up for a decent river bluff. Once I c-bet turn I feel like I am committed to firing on most rivers.

I think the river pairing the board will generally be better for my range as well.


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