advantage of squeezing

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advantage of squeezing

hey guys,

what you think about squeezing? seem to work well in nlh but in omaha, 100BB deep, its like everytime I squueze I just put money badly trying to represent AA with like JT98 preflop and then when the board it at2, I just get call off anyway...

Any merit in squeezing? What hand you guys like to squueze? I think one of the best spot is to squeeze is in sb after button call a MP raise, you get to fold a lot of hand from MP on flop.

Do you think a squueze is good at 100BB or we have to squeeze at more?



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jonna102 10 years, 1 month ago

I see a lot of players attempting squeeze plays out of the blinds with middling rundowns. This very rarely works out well for a variety of reasons, some of which you already mentioned. One thing players specifically misunderstand is that you need to squeeze with different hand ranges than you 3-bet a single opponent. The obvious (?) reason for this is that 3-way equity plays out massively different than 2-way equity in Omaha, and while you may have some fold equity when heads up, you never really have any 3-way.

This in turn means that you want to squeeze mostly when you have an equity advantage, and very few hands in Omaha have enough of an equity advantage to make it worth it. In position it can possibly be a bit different, but I still think you should be somewhat conservative when squeezing.

As far as "representing" things... in low and mid stakes games, I find that usually to be fairly ambitious. It works in holdem because players have maybe 3 or 4 hand types to keep track of, and they sort of "get" that you're representing something. In Omaha, players generally seem to get so confused my the large number of hand combinations that they mostly have no idea what you're representing anyway. This is a fairly significant problem in their game that you can clearly exploit, but squeezing light isn't generally the way to do it imo.

sted9000 10 years, 1 month ago

really like/agree with and never really thought about:

As far as "representing" things... in low and mid stakes games, I find that usually to be fairly ambitious. It works in holdem because players have maybe 3 or 4 hand types to keep track of, and they sort of "get" that you're representing something. In Omaha, players generally seem to get so confused my the large number of hand combinations that they mostly have no idea what you're representing anyway. This is a fairly significant problem in their game that you can clearly exploit, but squeezing light isn't generally the way to do it imo.

You don't get to make many people make "mistakes of valuation" by repping things in PLO compared to NLHE. It makes sense to me that this is because of the much larger number of combos AND the larger number of different types of hands opponents choose to squeeze with.

PermafLOat 10 years, 1 month ago

Squeezing with rundowns or even double suited trash works best that even if you run into KK+ you hand can call with enough post flop equity and implied odds...

As to the "best" position to position...except maybe some short stack situations where you can get ~50-100% of stack in pre...or oop and you will have flopSPR~1 with "first to steal" position (basically, if called you can throw you stack on the pot onto more than your fair share of flops ie 224) forcing your opponent to guess more...maximizing your FE.

Hands that work well shorter stacked and/or oop,... 2 and 3 card hands that contain high card "blockers" such as AKQx, A765, AJT6, AKxxds,... I agree that in generally "repping" anything preflop in PLO is rather futile...because the only thing your opp will put you on is AAxx maybe KKxx, which if they hold undominated hands (QJ97, T975, most hands not containing A) and position with sufficient effective stack sizes...they'll be right to "call-to-crack"

Btw this is all with the thought in mind that "squeezing" defines a "light" 3bet vs raise and call+

Obviously 3bet all premiums and oop as stacks get shorter trash high pairs JJ+ and connected 99+

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