AAQJss 3betpot SPR 2.5 - flop decision.

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AAQJss 3betpot SPR 2.5 - flop decision.

Please note SPR is 2.5 not 3.5 like in standard 3betpots. Villain is a loose - aggressive spewy recreational. I once noted about him "Flopraise/call off 100bb IP SRP 3way with J977ss on KJ8 (weak FD + weak GS + Pair)"

Versus GTO Ranges with SPR 3.5 this would be a check/call.

My question is what can i do here with SPR 2.5 generally and specifically to exploit this player type?

I consider Pot/gii becomes a viable option with SPR 2.5, which it wouldnt with 3.5 imo. But i dont see how that would make life difficult for villain.

Check/raising seems interesting to give him a chance to bluff/semi bluff some hands, but it feels like overplaying my hand.

Bet 50%/Fold seems like the worst option in general and specifically vs this player type, as they will jam so many weakish hands that i would need to call off.

Any thoughts about this hand? Maybe the difference in EV is not even that big and all options are viable?

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devwil 4 years, 10 months ago

I'm not mega confident about it, but I think x/r and HP/GII are the best options. If villain played that KJ8 flop how they did, they're definitely going to GII light here with TT+ and other stuff that you're doing fine against.

My preference between those two options has everything to do with how likely I think they are to bet the flop, because I don't really want to give a free card... but it wouldn't be the worst thing if we did.

Loads of recs underdefend on flushing streets, so if a spade comes we can just HP/fold (as I doubt even this spewmaster is raising with worse).

I'd x/f a 5 OTT and be kind of nervous about a T (even if it turns us the OESD), but everything else I just kind of feel plays similarly to this flop.

I just expect villain to continue too eagerly with overpairs, so I think there's value to be had.

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