AAJ9sss 3 bet pot as SB vs BTN flop 662 no fd for hero.

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AAJ9sss 3 bet pot as SB vs BTN flop 662 no fd for hero.

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) SB: $32.82 (Hero)
BB: $25.00
UTG: $4.56
MP: $64.98
CO: $20.08
BN: $58.49
BTN 24/18/14 (VPIP/PFR/3bet preflop stats)
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is SB with A 9 A J
3 folds, BN raises to $0.85, Hero raises to $2.80, BB folds, BN calls $1.95
Flop ($5.85) 6 2 6
Hero checks, BN checks
Turn ($5.85) 6 2 6 8
Hero bets $5.60

On the flop I was thinking that given the preflop action I had a range advantage as I have all the AAxx and value heavy hands in my range whereas BTN would have 4 bet me if he these, but that BTN had the polarity advantage as I have many fewer 6s in my range than he does.

I decided to check call the flop as I did not want to face a raise from a FD etc as my range is so heavy in AA, other overpairs and high cards. I also figured I would not be getting many better hands to fold and some weaker hands were more likely to bet than call a Cbet.

I took the check behind as a sign of weakness as I think being IP he might bet a FD plus over pair or BD straight draw etc and so I bet. I hoped to get some value from weaker hands, pair plus FD or straight draw etc.

I reviewed the hand in Vision and it says cx flop 48% and bet 1/3 pot 52%. After the check behind it says cx 44% and bet 1/2 pot 56%. So my bet size was bad.

Any thoughts on my thought process? Also how does being 130BB affect our play?


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Tiger1212 4 years, 1 month ago

Bet small on flop = 1/3 pot. You will get bunch of worse hands to call and these stakes players are pretty rarely bluff raising paired boards on 3bet pots.

On turn bet is correct after flop goes check/check, but your sizing is too big. While your hand is best here almost allways, bet smaller to widen up range villain is calling. Betting this big you get folds from hands that would be calling like half pot bet and you are doing great vs those hands.

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