aa99ds oop 3bet,flop 3way decison

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aa99ds oop 3bet,flop 3way decison

BB: $216.77
UTG: $70.12
HJ: $127.22
CO: $114.26
BN: $98.50
SB: $100 (Hero)
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 A 9 A
UTG folds, HJ calls $1, CO folds, BN raises to $4.50, Hero raises to $15.50, BB calls $14.50, HJ folds, BN calls $11
Flop ($48.00) 4 2 5 (3 Players)

bb is 34/22,3bet 12

bn is 26/17,3bet 5,

What is the best flop plan? what about 425 rainbow board?



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Imfish4u 10 years, 10 months ago

Very interesting and important info for this spot is BTN RFI % because this would help us to define his range a lot better and we can see if we can profitable gii here.

I do think on 425 rainbow you just have to gii with SPR below 2.

JimmyGlass 10 years, 10 months ago

agree on getting it in on 245r. and if BUs raise first isn't super wide (above 75%) he shouldn't hit this bord often enough to make our b/c bad here.I'm not worried about BBs range, I would expect some KK**ds and high rundowns, but hardly ever 4567 or so. so, still seems fine to b/gii

Imfish4u 10 years, 10 months ago

betting small sounds interesting but i dont think its the best line. You could think about betting 10 or 15 and then fold if BB raises and Btn calls. The problem is that they will sometimes call your flop bet and you will be in a very akward/difficult spot OTT.

IMO you should either pot gii or check and see what happens.

midori 10 years, 10 months ago

Like I said before, I like pot/calling the best.  There's so much money in the pot, and we could fold out some bare FD's, especially the ones BB can have.  

Tom Coldwell 10 years, 10 months ago
I think I'm with you here - there just aren't enough big made hands in their ranges for me to do anything else at this SPR (although obv I'm not excited). HU I might consider check/shoving to induce bad stabs, but 3-ways I think the risk of it checking through is too great (both 'cas people might play more straight-forwardly and 'cas there are more people getting free cards when it does).

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