AA & NFD on flop
Posted by So_Nitty
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Low Stakes
AA & NFD on flop
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $19.97
SB: $27.72
BB: $30.64
UTG: $15.69
MP: $29.82 (Hero)
CO: $10.60
SB: $27.72
BB: $30.64
UTG: $15.69
MP: $29.82 (Hero)
CO: $10.60
Hero is MP with
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SB is a bit of a whale playing 47/27 with a 9.1 3 bet from SB
I didn't want to flat bc if a brick comes ott I lose a lot of equity but we're very deep and top set is a definite possibility for him. Bad to get 280 in with TP and a draw? Against a tight player I would just call but he has a c bet in 3 bet pots of 63
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Yeah top set is possible but I think against a guy playing that wide it's a bit MUBSy to just say, oh no he has AA....you do block it to a point as well...you have tp, nfd and a ton of backdoor draws here - and are in position, not a bad situation tbh...
"MUBSy"? What's that?
He's referring to "monsters under the bed" which is when you always think players are at the very top of their ranges
I like calling flop, jamming turn on blanks if he bets again.
He 3bet so I would put him on AAxx, KKxx, AKQJ, maybe QQxx. I would call.
On Flop
He bets pot. With AAxx, or any other set hand, he has 64% equity. I don't think he would pot with KKxx or QQxx. Perhaps with AQcKcx, when he has 53% equity.
I would just call on flop and evaluate on turn.
If you think he would play like this 2pairs or a non ace fluh draw, then a raise on flop it's ok.
Just call and use your position. Being this deep and in position in PLO is such a huge advantage. Lowering the SPR benefits him greatly. Unless he has AA/JJ, he is going to be in a tough spot on pretty much any turn, and even with AA/JJ there are a lot of bad turns for him.
Imo raising makes his life a lot easier. Your hand is strong enough that it can call any turn, which is great because he is often going to be in a really tough spot on the river.
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