AA in 5 betted pot multiway
Posted by Aleksandra ZenFish
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Aleksandra ZenFish
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Low Stakes
AA in 5 betted pot multiway
I was dealt aces when goes action after me, button raises and small blind 4 bets, both players are very good, so button is some sort of premium and im kinda sure small blind has aces as well when he 4 bets, utg calls and im facing 4 way pot, i sooo didnt like it cause i was thinking my AA and small blind;s AA re simply no outs at that point , but i shoved cause was thinking its so weak to fold aces
i did the calculation for it afterwards and it shows
Its showing that when 2 aces face preflop equity with another 2 hands , they have very bad odds
Yet, eeew..fold aces?
Whats everyone doing at this spot? Just shove or fold lol ?
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there was tons of threads dedicated to same issue.
dont think its worth folding in 100bb. w\ 200bb effective for 3 or more players it could be closer..
ya..good idea to decide based on stack size, i think its first 1 i got in this spot when i was sure 1 of players had aces as well, so was bit errr.....not ssure what to do
What's with your 3bet sizing, missclick or some sort of FPS? Just pot it imo. After that, just get the money in preflop. That's all you can ask with such a hand. Yes, you can be against a better AA**, but even so, you are never that far behind and there is tons of $ already in the pot, you have the best hand and it's PLO10, people can show up here with all kinds of weird stuff.
I agree that people CAN show up with weird stuff here, but I also agree w/ OP that in a fourway hand, at least one of them almost certainly WILL have aces. And they almost have to be better. The only thing saving this hand is the fact that it's got one suit. Once your aces are locked up, this becomes a very weak hand. I certainly think folding after the misclick 3bet is an option.
Sam was the 'other guy' in one of his pots in his last video, when (admittedly at higher stakes) he assumed the other two guys had aces and he had a terrible double suited kinda-rundown. Having another AA** hand present really changes the dynamic of everything. It even tuns the KT87 hand into a favorite over double suited jacks, when it would normally be losing about 60-40 to it if the neither of the ace hands were around.
If OP had 3bet normally, there might have been too much in already to fold, but as played, I think it's good to get away from it here. Even if the other guys are playing big pair hands and NOT rundowns, you're still not quite getting the pot odds to call. Once there's a rundown in the mix, you're screwed.
Nice result, though.
o i always click 3 x~ didnt see he made 2 x so was jus click already prepared, i wanted to 3 x or flat~
didnt wanna 3 bet, is sorta lousy aces and can always 4 bet if someone behind decide to 3 bet as it happened, i prefer flat or 4 bet aces, i dislike 3 betting them, confused me lil cause guy in small blind was hyper nit, was sure he has aces as well, and with so many ppl in hand, i was estimating since no outs for a set im basicly allin on flush draw , so i was dwelling shove or fold, but as u said, is PLO10..just wondered what u do with such read in general
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