AA flop and turn decisions OOP

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AA flop and turn decisions OOP

What do we think about this hand? Villain is 20/20 over small sample. I'm happy with flatting pre the big question is the flop and then as played the turn. I flat the flop with the aim of c/r a safe turn. The turn is obviously the worst card I could imagine so I think its a fold when he continues. Thoughts appreciated as always.

IPoker, $0.10/$0.20 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 4 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

Hero (BB): $39.04 (195.2 bb)
CO: $20.63 (103.2 bb)
BTN: $8.76 (43.8 bb)
SB: $15.25 (76.3 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 6h Ad As Jh
CO raises to $0.70, BTN calls $0.70, SB calls $0.60, Hero calls $0.50

Flop: ($2.80) 2s Ac Tc (4 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $2.10, 2 folds, Hero calls $2.10

Turn: ($7) Qc (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $5.25, Hero ?


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Tom Coldwell 11 years, 11 months ago
I'd just check/raise flop and go w/ it (if I was checking. I would be leading here some percentage of the time). He's probably not c-betting junk so you'll get value a decent amount and most of his turn barreling range - aces up, big clubs (almost always w/ a gutter), unlikely sets, pair+wraps etc. - will stack off. This also means you won't make a mistake on the turn and you don't risk a bad card coming and costing you action/value (if he has AT, a club or broadway card could mean you don't stack him). I feel the line you have taken is more appropriate for a slightly weaker made hand which can't get the money in so crushingly good as easily as top set.
ZenFish 11 years, 11 months ago
You'd really like to get all-in on the flop, so choose a line that can get you there. Check-raise or lead, as Tom said.

In a read-less vacuum I think leading is preferable in a 4-way pot. You can't expect them to bet really light, and you don't want to give a free card to 3 opponents. You sort of give your hand away, but you can't always be deceptive, and this is not a major concern in a multiway pot. You will get action anyway, and you avoid that dreaded free card.

On the other hand, if you're up against an aggressive c-bettor or stabbers that won't allow a flop to get checked through, there's more reason to c/r. Some players stab way too much in position, even multiway, and you should use it against them when you can.
Tom Coldwell 11 years, 11 months ago
I like the flat OOP. We won't isolate very often and will be playing pretty deep versus the originally raiser (CO). Also, whilst we can plan to create a 3-bet range here which includes enough rundowns etc. that we shouldn't be readable as having the hand we have here, the simple fact is that 10PLO villains will make that assumption and therefore play decently well against us. If we were double-suited (or A-high single-suited w/ very connected side cards - KJ for example) then I think 3-betting would be good, both to push a greater equity edge and because we'll flop better than villains expect far more frequently.
Sauce123 11 years, 10 months ago
I think ripping it in pre is best. You have a big equity advantage at ~29.5% versus ~23% for each of the other players. If you repot, you'll be making it 17.5bb to go pre, and if they all call, the pot will be 70bb on the flop which means ~1psb effective versus the 100bb stack. You'll be fine jamming in many flops and will be able to realize your equity while avoiding mistakes enough of the time to make increasing the potsize preflop best.

Now that you called, you need to make a small read. Specifically, does the pre flop raiser habitually continuation bet? If yes, x/r. Do the other players habitually bet bottom 2pair, or the nut flush draw, or wraps, etc when checked to? The more aggressive the table, the more often you should x/r, and I'd strongly lean towards x/r here since you'll get the lion's share of your stack in on the flop which is ideal for your hand (since you crush the flop but will often have 35% equity on turns they continue on). So, unless you have a read the table is especially passive, lead out for between 2/3 pot and pot, and barring that read go for the x/r.

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