AA 4bet pot on mono flop w/ blocker

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AA 4bet pot on mono flop w/ blocker

Villain is 42/24 14% btn 3bet(probably more like 20% co v btn) over 1.9k hands. So obviously vs this guy I'm 4betting a pretty wide range for value. Even this deep, he'd have to be pretty clueless to expect me to only have AAxx to 4bet him here. Post flop in 4b pots, his strategy to bluff is much more aggression oriented, rather that floating. Ie: on the flop in question, I feel like he's more apt to shove with his bluffs(QT**/JT9+club) and float with his value range. That's not to say he's incapable of it because this guy just doesn't like giving up on pots ever, but I'd say his shoving range is much more bluff heavy than his floats. That being said, I'm holding the nut blocker.

50 PLO Eff stacks 73.25

2 folds, Hero raises AcAsJs8d to 1.50, BTN 3bets 5.25 2 folds, I 4bet to 16.50, Villain calls.


Hero (56.75) bets 13.75, Villain calls

Tu 6h(61.25)

Hero shoves 43.00

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