5k PLO interesting OOP spot
Posted by Christopher George
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Christopher George
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High Stakes
5k PLO interesting OOP spot
Poker Stars $25/$50 Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 6 players
CO: $9911.19
BTN: $4845.92
SB: $2552.12
BB: $7924.00
UTG: $3575.00
MP: $5685.00
Pre Flop: ($75.00)
1 fold, MP raises to $100, 1 fold, BTN calls $100, 1 fold, BB raises to $425, 1 fold, BTN calls $325
Not sure about MP's raise size, whether he's balanced with various sizings etc, but I'll take the min raise for now initially as weak. BTN calls which obviously can be a very wide range. BB's squeeze here is interesting give the rest of the hand.
Flop: ($975.00) 6c 3h 4c (2 players)
BB checks, BTN bets $575, BB calls $575
So the check from BB indicates to me that this board doesn't hit him very often given his squeeze pre. I hate the BTN's sizing here on flop and would bet 3/4 to full pot when BB checks, but because BTN bets such a smallish size I think this gives BB good incentive to reverse float here. I think he will C/R a lot of his made straights/sets/two/pair combo draws. So this leaves a lot of bare AA/KK or potentially a bare weak flush draw that wanted to see a turn potentially for free.
Turn: ($2125.00) 9d (2 players)
BB bets $2100, BTN folds
This is where the hand turns interesting. It looks like obviously this play was coordinated on the flop float OOP. The sizing is good and indicates a lot of strength, and the weaker BTN range can't really do much about this here.
What I'm interested in is I don't think BB can balance this line, and it's strictly an exploitative play due to BTN's sizing. Also can BB just do this with his entire range and fold the absolute bottom to a shove and still like his investment/play? What kind of hands should he still be willing to call with if BTN shoves?
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