5BT Shoving strong QQ/AA/KK hands
Posted by dsmith3427
Posted by dsmith3427 posted in Mid Stakes
5BT Shoving strong QQ/AA/KK hands
Is it profitable to isolate and/or 5bt shove these types of hands %100 of the time/ strong QQxx,KKxx, and of course AAxx lately iv notice opponents will often call with middling rundowns and Broadway rundowns
A)how can this style be exploited/shoving hi pairs
B) Is looking to get the money all in preflop with theses types hands profitable in the long run or am I cutting down on my post-flop edge or does it depend on my opponent/ in other words which way will be the least swingy
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Im never 5 bet shoving in an iso attempt with anything less than AKKx, and even then, I'd have to have a pretty decent read on the table. Considering jamming QQxx is going to cost you a lot of money in the long run as people four betting range rarely includes many hands that you are in nice shape against. General rule of thumb is if you can get 30-35% of your stack in pre with AAxx or Akkx type of hands, then do it, and pray you only get one or two callers....Set mine, play flops in position, and don't baloon the pot pre with naked queens and stuff. This is especially true when playing live full ring.
It's certainly not profitable all the time. And even more certainly not the best play. Even some (of the worst) AA hands are probably not much better then break even in some situations. If you 5b shove most AA, the best KK and the occasional perfect rundown -- that's got to be very hard to exploit, while still giving opponent some incentive to think you don't have AA every time. If you worry that this is not wide enough, then you must be playing in some pretty darn loose games.
Lumping AA, KK, and QQ together into a single "type of hand" is going to get you into a lot of trouble. AAxx is really its own category, as you can't be behind heads-up pre-flop. KKxx and QQxx, especially the weaker varieties, are often best played slow pre-flop, because they hit a small number of flops very hard (mostly you are hoping for top set).
Even in a very loose game i would never shove QQxx or bad KKxx hands! Especially with KKxx hands it can get very bad for you because hands that will call your shove/5bet inlcude AAxx or mabye AAkx hands.This means that against these types of hands you are far behind and against other hands that might call you in loose games (like JT97ds) you are a small favourite i would say..
In my opinion DirtyD is completely right with AAxx, it cant be compared cuz u are never behind pre. So if you can get a third or more of your stack in with AAxx, i definitely would do it. What types of hand to shove depends a lot on if you are playing full ring or 6 max or maybe even less game.
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