5/5 Rock PLO - Top set Aces

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5/5 Rock PLO - Top set Aces

5/5 Rock PLO
SB - $3000 – Call Station
BB - $3000 – Hero – AcAh4c2c
UTG - $3000 – Tight Fish
LJ - $2500 – Straddle Loose Passive Fish (Somewhat thinking)
HJ – 4000 – Maniac Fish
CO – 2000 – Loose Passive Fish
Btn – 3000 – Call Station

HJ Calls $10, CO calls $10, Btn calls $10, SB calls $10, Hero calls $5, UTG folds, LJ checks
Flop ($60) As 6c 4s
SB checks, Hero checks, LJ bets $55, Btn calls, SB calls, Hero???

First of all, this is a common spot preflop I am unsure about. I have am certain if I raise, I go 4-6 ways most of the time. The players play pretty loose. Unless I flop top set, it will be hard to realize my equity. Even when I flop the NFD, I am not thrilled if I am facing a pot sized bet from a set or straight and have limited outs. Typing my hand in an equity calculator 5-way I have around 24% while they have 19% ish equity. I just complete, but I feel another option is I could raise small to $20-30 pre. What do you guys think about preflop?

Postflop, since we are very deep OOP, would you rather c/r flop because villains are more on the passive call station kind of side, and facing a pot bet on spades or straight completing card, I can pretty comfortably fold. Or would you rather call since we are blocking some of our outs with the 4 and go for the c/r on a blank turn? It would be a disaster if I called though, and it checked thru on a blank turn. I guess a benefit of raising is I could potential get weaker flush draws to fold and get HU vs the original bettor if he has a set or 2p. I don’t think this player would ever go over the top with bottom set or top two pair. I think he only calls. I have a pretty tight image at the table.

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