5/5 Rock PLO

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5/5 Rock PLO

5/5 Rock PLO
SB - $3000 – Call Station
BB - $4000 – Call Station
HJ - $3000 – Hero – AT77:ds
CO – 2000 – (Straddle) Loose Passive Fish
Btn – 3000 – Maniac (Bets when checked to a lot wide and barrels wide. Doesn’t 3bet preflop wide)

CO straddle $10, Btn calls SB calls, BB folds, Hero???

This spot I don’t understand theory wise and is a common theme for me. 4-way I think I have around 28% equity while my opponents have 22-24%. I don’t push a lot of equity preflop, but can flop nutted equity with the NFD or a set. In GTO, my preflop pot open should have fold equity blocking the A and me raising a strong range, plus after another caller, their continuing range should narrow, ect…But they didn’t limp in to limp fold! I raise a lot of these spots and I am going too multi-way all the time. I think it would be better for me to just raise to $20-25 and block someone else from raising and I don’t get 3bet often except by Aces usually. Does this sound good, or is there something I am missing and I should still pot it? I feel like the pot size raise I would want to do with hands that can flop very smooth (Like JT98ds) and/or push equity preflop (like AA:ds, AKJT:ss, KQJ9:ds).

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