5/10 HU - River spot IP.

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5/10 HU - River spot IP.


compared to my other hand i try to make this one short ;-). I played villain - which is a reg (6max mostly) for sure for 20 hands and he went really crazy pre oop and 3bet nearly every time he had a chance. I haven´t seen any showdowns nor could i win any pots so far (had to fold pre or flop). SO this is one of the few spots where he flatted.


I don´t give him much credit in first place - expect to not see set often at all given pre and my blocker - that said i see merrits of raising.

I didn´t raise cause my hand plays tricky  versus a 3bet and not great if i get called and turn completes flush or straight (half the deck) but maybe i am a bit paranoid and should just raise it up. 

I expect to see lots of pair+ draw/gutter + draw (Fd´s mostly) that he don´t wanna c/c but i doubt he b/f them.


I see him betting most of his range on turn again and think we have clear call on turn. Don´t see much points in raising.


Once i call the turn i think my hand looks like showdown value a lot (Qx+) so i doubt he is choosing this sizing as a bluff often (if ever). I am not sure if he really bets trips here (but could be possible) but most likely the straights imo.

I don´t think he has lots of boats (given pre, given my blocker and his "smallish" sizing).

So my questions are:

1. Do you raise flop?

2. You agree with my assumptions?

2. As played: You think we can credibly rep boats and use our blocker and raise river?

Thanks in advance!

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