5/10 facing line by villain i find hard to understand...

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5/10 facing line by villain i find hard to understand...


villain is a reg and i try to understand his play and i am always looking for things i don´t understand completely in first place to see what i can take from it and maybe implement some of this stuiff into my game once i understand the plays and think they are usefull.

We don´t have much history nor have i been barreling like crazy or anything.

Or link to hand: http://weaktight.com/6287607

What do you think of the way he played it - what can we take away from that for the future?

I assume he think i am barreling to wide with my value range (all flushes) and will b/f lots of them except the NF?

C/r the turn unless he thinks i fold a flush makes the play slightly -ev with his river bet sizing (because he is wa/wb on turn cause i don´t bet straights on turn or sets but i bet flushes/air (blocker or total air (overbluffing).

I assume his plan is to c/f river ui given he has to expect some folds of flushes on turn (or his turn c/r doesnt make sence?) - so why should he bet river now when i fold my air on turn and maybe even some flushes) unless he thinks i have enough weak flushes on river in my range (which again make turn cr bad imo again).

Against the NFblocker he now loses if i floatet him cause i don´t see him c/c river...and given his blocker i can imagine seeing him calldown knowing i probably won´t vbet Jhi flush or at least not anything worse (only NF blocker) and catch a bluff by my NF blocker.

Or is he going to c/c river thinking i only vbet NF and float a blocker and won´t vbet more vs a polarised range.

Or: Am i overthinking something a bit ;-)?

Thanks for any input

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