50PLO: HU Turn Line

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50PLO: HU Turn Line

SB: $58.95
BB: $50.50 (Hero)
SB is solid reg. Usually plays higher stakes. No significant reads.

SB Stats: 69/68, 2.8 AF, 5% 4Bet, Fold to PF 3Bet 13%, Fold to F CBet in 3Bet Pot+ 40%
BB Stats: 3Bet 32%, CBet in 3Bet Pot+ 50%
Preflop ($0.75) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt J Q K Q
SB raises to $1, Hero raises to $3, SB calls $2
Flop ($6.75) Q 3 6 (2 Players)
Hero bets $3.75, SB calls $3.75
His flop calling range is basically FD/SD with no pairs, maybe like FD+GS. Also, some one pair hands. I figured he would raise all his Wrap+FD, OESD+FD so I took those out.
Turn ($14.25) 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets $7.50, Hero calls $7.50
I check and decide to let him bet all of his floats. Without any SD value he'll start to barrel here pretty frequently. Also, the 4 is a bad card for my range and good for his. I X/C because he can easily be betting here with just a FD or any one pair/two pair hand that wants to begin applying pressure to a weak range. I think if I X/R I am only going to get better to continue and fold out the hands I beat.
River ($29.25) K (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets $20, Hero calls $20
Same logic for the river after the FD misses.
Final Pot
SB has 8 2 A 5 SB wins $68
What do you guys think? If you don't like my line what would you do? Thanks!


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Jason Ring 12 years, 2 months ago
On the flop I would bet bigger, say closer to 5 but thats minor. As for the turn if you think he will barrel once you check then checking is fine with the intention of calling down on this runout. If not I would bet the turn and call off if he jams. If he just called the turn the river should be pretty easy to play
Lenny Seward 12 years, 2 months ago
I thought I should bet bigger too, but my 3Bet range doesn't connect with this flop a ton, I could go either way. I'll have some monster Wrap+FD occasionally, and of course this hand, but for the most part I usually have a one pair hand or an air ball.
Phil Galfond 12 years, 2 months ago
You could bet bigger and also bet less frequently to adjust for your range here, Lenny. That way when we do bet, we charge him more to draw, especially because he's drawing to a lot of good bluff outs for himself (like the turn here).
Lenny Seward 12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks Phil. What do you think the bottom of our CBetting range here should look like? I'm guessing any Qxxx, Naked FD+Overs, BBB:6/3, etc? Also, when you choose not to CBet, how often should we X/F here? I would say most of the time because anything we could potentially X/C with should probably just CBet. Only thing I could see maybe X/C would be naked wrap. You could also mix in X/R with monsters like Wrap+FD or AA/KK:dd if he's stabbing after missed CBets a lot.
Viktor Luis Larsson 12 years, 2 months ago
I dont like checking turn. Your giving every FD a freecard here and your missing value from alot of hands.

If you check, you could get into different scenarios:

1) He checks behind and river makes a flush. Now you cant possibly valuebet and if he bets, what do you do? Hes problably betting with all his range here and not only flushes.

2) He bets. If he bets, you have to be prepared to call down every brick river and I dont like doing guesses vs a competent reg. Also, if river hits a flush, you check and he will problably bet again with whole his range. Your check is inviting yourself into troublesome spots.

I think betting is by far the best alternative, especially when out of position.
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years, 2 months ago
I like the way you played a hand,, , after the turn board is soo ugly i wouldnt checkraise it to foldout flush draw because board is ugly and skillfull villain may use checkraise and shove allin as a bluff or as happened = the goods. Lennies preflop raise definies his range mostly to overcards, and would you call CRAI after checkraise on turn - because flush draw opponent may simply put you to pressure even without str8, board has nut str8 and he may decided u do have a set or overpairs, and he has outs in - you folding because most likely u dont have straight and if you are not folding he has outs in flush draw
river being not diamond, i cant see anything u can do but call
eldodo42 12 years, 2 months ago
About flop sizing, I think you should bet around 5$. You write "I thought I should bet bigger too, but my 3Bet range doesn't connect with this flop a ton," but I think you're actually thinking of this wrong: remember that your cbet% in 3bet pots is 50%. Maybe even less on this flop. So your whole 3bet range doesn't necessarily connect well here, but your cbetting range, being much smaller, does. So you want to bet bigger.

In general, in spots where our range is noticeably strong because of the line we take then we want to bet bigger, and when our range is weak we want to bet smaller (assuming we choose a uniform bet sizing). Here our range is strong, so might as well bomb it IMO.

Turn and river I like your thinking, assuming you know he'll fire turn with naked NFD. (FWIW, I think it's a mistake for him to fire turn with naked NFD 100% of the time.) If we don't think he'll fire so often I'd bet/call or bet/fold this sometimes.

Lenny Seward 12 years, 2 months ago
That stat was like 1/2 or 2/4 so it was a very small sample.

I don't think he'd bet the naked NFD 100% of the time, but I think he will bet when checked too at least 70% of the time given that the 4 is bad card for me. If I did have a straight I'd probably go for a X/R because it looks like a bad card for me.
Phil Galfond 12 years, 2 months ago
I like the way you played it, overall. As I just posted towards the top of the thread, betting bigger and less often is a good adjustment to make in situations like this, so I'd have bet more on the flop.

Turn really depends on your opponent. I would always check to opponents who fire two barrels regularly here, for obvious reasons. Most opponents will stab, but some will never bluff brick rivers, and won't value bet thinly (lower 2pr) on river either. Against them, I think there may be more value in just betting twice, charging their draws, and getting called by the 2pr hands that will check back river.

As played, easy river call. Top of your range, and it's just a good spot for him to bluff or occasionally VB worse.

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