50HU Zoom - 3b Pot IP turned 2. flush - River pairs

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50HU Zoom - 3b Pot IP turned 2. flush - River pairs

SB: $453.43 (Hero)
BB: $161.99
Preflop ($0.75) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt K 7 7 Q
Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3
We don't have that much history. Kinda want to raise somewhere against that sizing, but not sure if I can..
Flop ($9.75) 8 6 J (2 Players)
BB bets $6.60, Hero calls $6.60
Turn ($22.95) 8 6 J 2 (2 Players)
BB bets $13, Hero calls $13
River ($48.95) 8 6 J 2 6 (2 Players)
BB bets $18


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lofigr 10 years, 11 months ago

I would ALWAYS reraise turn in your shoes cca 3/4 pot and Villain almost always folds 2pairs/ sometimes calls w/ sets.. I dont find myself almost never in these spots OTR....

Played as played its easy call ( pot odds, size of bet, playing IP, etc etc etc)

Teddy 10 years, 11 months ago

What do you do against a reraise 300bb deep on the turn or a check-raise on a blank river. Or a big lead on a J/8/6 ? I actually folded the river, but regret not calling, as he might have worse for value for that size, as well as bluffs.

lofigr 10 years, 11 months ago

For me better question is : When he bets so small OTT, what does he value bet and what does he rep..? I think he would have bet more having NF, dont you think so? Or c/r maybe if he thinks you'll bet worse flush when he checks turn...

I dont say its  correct to reraise turn, but just because he bet so small I would go for it and put him to test.

Yulian Z 10 years, 11 months ago

Talking about preflop I guess the problem with this hand 300 bb deep is that it's hard for hero to stand big barrels even having a flush. Usually we will win a little and lose a lot to higher flush.

That's why I would definately 4b preflop (mb less than potsize). And of course call 5b.

As played I would reraise turn upto 2/3-3/4 pot.

Teddy 10 years, 11 months ago

Don't feel strongly about 4b or not with this hand deep. Think K/Q high flush players fine though without as you will either have an easy call-down if he barrels a ton or you will get to sd cheaper pretty often.

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