50 plo top two vs unknown

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50 plo top two vs unknown

BB: $92.90
SB: $140.90 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.75) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt 8 K Q J
Hero raises to $1.45, BB calls $1.20
Flop ($3.40) J 8 4 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.50, BB raises to $9, Hero calls $6.50
Turn ($21.40) 7 (2 Players)
BB bets $14.50, Hero calls $14.50
River ($50.40) 3 (2 Players)
BB bets $37.50, Hero folds
Final Pot
BB wins $50.10 , BB wins $37.50
villain just sat down and no reads

what's peoples default/standard line here? think every decision is somewhat close


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BuyOrSell 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I'm new to PLO, but I would make the same plays. I was thinking about a fold on the turn - after calling pre-flop and re-raising on the flop I think the BB's range could very easily include 5 6 or 9 10. When the BB leads out on the turn after re-raising on the flop it seems likely that their range has been hit. However, the possibility of the flush for Hero, with the chance for a full house and top two pair would keep me in the hand until the river and rule out a fold on the turn. It might be worth checking the flop behind the BB trying to pot control when there is a high chance that the flop hit the BB's range well. That would let Hero cheaply try to hit your cards when it's quite possible that your is behind. I haven't run any equities on it though. Hope my thought process makes sense!
frasky 12 years, 3 months ago

excited to join the forum. Awesome content so far. I really appreciate that Phil and some other site pros put in so much time to take part here.

About the hand:

We have only close to 50% vs a reasonable raise/call/get it in range otf. Given that we have position with an spr of about 4 and many good turns with our bdfd's I think a bet/call is the only way to go.

On the turn we certainly get good enough immediate pot odds to call another time so a fold is out of the question. So is a raise in my mind since the 7 is obv the best card for BB's semibluffing range on the flop and now that he bets the turn straights make up a huge part of his range. Apart from that I think we are very likely to make fewer mistakes than our opponent an the river due to position and our range being wider than his ("bad visibility"? not sure how to use that term yet).

On the river his range should contain few bluffs and his sizing is in line with his strong/polarized range. Even if he got here with sth. like J974 I don't think he would vbet it or turn it into a bluff since Hero should still have a decent amount of slowplayed nuts in his range. I think a fold is correct otr.
BuyOrSell 12 years, 3 months ago

Would either of you ever check behind on the flop?
frasky 12 years, 3 months ago
I'd never check the flop behind. We are at the top of our range, can get value from a lot worse and don't have a tough time when getting raised. Especially with so many cards bringing a possible straight on the turn that we won't have I think giving a free card is significantly less profitable than just betting.
Lenny Seward 12 years, 3 months ago
Well played IMO. Once he bets the river I think he has the straight here a very high percentage of the time. You block top two sets and no T9 hands and you're probably raising a straight OTT a good percentage.

Only thing I might change is to 3Bet the flop. You block a lot of his value range and this deep you can get value as he's going to continue with all his draws. Plus, you can barrel a ton of turns, and even half the straight cards give you a FD.
Stevie_G 12 years, 3 months ago
After you call the flop and he bets twice I agree with the way you played, but personally I would 3bet the flop almost always, with two backdoor flushdraws, and blockers to top&middle set. What to do if the turn and river are bricks and he continues betting?

Vedran Katić 12 years, 3 months ago
I totally agree with Sam. Every play here is marginal even with reads and I would almost never have the same line as I beleive it can be played profitabily in a lot of ways including cf to induce bluffs later on. Actually cf is a lot like flatting the cr here.

The only thing I would never do is 3bet flop as his stackoff range is too strong and there is no need to protect top two agains all other draws as it reduces its equity sustantially and you can control the pot position wise.

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