50 PLO HU deep, weird turn spot in a 3bet pot vs aggro

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50 PLO HU deep, weird turn spot in a 3bet pot vs aggro

BB: $162.95

Hero (BTN/SB): $245.83

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN/SB with 7h 6d 2d 4h

Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3

Flop: ($9.00) Td Ad Ah (2 players)

BB bets $6.50, Hero raises to $15, BB calls $8.50

Turn: ($39.00) 7d (2 players)

BB bets $38.50, Hero ???

This is a hand I played vs an aggro villain.  Blinds are $0.25/0.5 but stacks got much deeper after a couple all-in pots.

A few reads on villain:

- Very aggro and playing pretty much 100% of hands preflop, 3betting ~51% over 160 hands.  Obv he was 3betting a very wide range of hands, including JJ54ds, AT62ds, QT95ss, etc.

- Postflop, he has been reasonably aggro but not crazily so.  On flop and turn (and sometimes on river as well), he had enough strong hands in c/c'ing range: for example, he 3bet QT95ss and c/c'ed on T75dd flop.  

- On T92ddd 6c Ah board he triple barreled IP and folded to my river c/r with little behind, flipping J7dd.

- Visibly tilted after I caught him bluffing on T82r Kr 6 board.  I 3bet KQT2ds preflop and c/c'ed flop, turn and river when he ~potted every street with AKJ9ss.  I also had some timing tell, namely that he was mostly weak when potting fast.

Now, about the hand in question:

I raised on flop because I thought his range is so wide that he has to b/f a lot of hands on flop, allowing me to bluff very cheaply.  My draw is also very weak so I can't profitably call and see the turn, so I decided to go ahead and raise. 

He very quickly called my flop raise, and almost snap potted on turn.. which confused me a lot. 

First of all, I doubt he plays AA or AT like this (although possible), cuz he would want to put as much money as possible right now, or build the pot as much as he can at least.  And there's no good reason for him to play flushes like this either when stacks were > 300bb deep, unless it's a boat + flush or boat + Kd blocker or something like that.  However, I haven't seen him playing like this when OOP so far, so I can't read too much into it.

Snap fold as played?  And what do you guys think is his range?  Is preflop/flop play questionable as well?

Thanks much in advance! :)


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ZachZeeBo 11 years, 6 months ago

Preflopplay is obv. Std.

Flop I would need to ask if you have been raising paired boards? Have he been giving up to your raises on the flop in general? Your line seems kinda bluffy on the flop. I think you should have raised to like 18. as played I for sure fold turn and give him a strong range. Like At or kqflush... Cant seem him bluffing here.

And if he 3bets 50%+ then your approach shouldnt be to bluff him off flops but tightenimg up ur opening range so that you have the higher twopairs/sets/draws on the flop. 

jeff T 11 years, 6 months ago

i think flop play is fine.  turn sucks but you cant do anything but fold.  i know they exist but its pretty rare that you find a guy who's bluffing in that spot.  if i were raising flop as a bluff against this kind of player i often pot it (or really close to pot) so they cant possibly manuever without a big hand. i know its nice to be able to bluff for less but honestly potting it makes it pretty much impossible for them to do anything without a hand (plus i think he folds all his flush draws too). 

FWIW I think a flop float and a turn raise would be better, i know your hand is bad but you can raise probably 100% of turn cards ?

kurabiika 11 years, 6 months ago

From the reads u posted looks like his aggression is allways with some backup ( even with very little EQ/backup).. Yet you get the board where usually pre flop agressors in 3b pot will veery often try to rep, i think its a close spot simply cuz even if u turn the flush, he could still be betting big any Ax, Q or K high flush ( specially after i saw potting just TPTK + oesd ). Plus with that small raise size on this flop vs PFA u can easily get 3b bluffed from villian, so i dont really like raising small such flops unless we have Ax, or TTxx.

Preflop is fine i think, but i would rather call this flop and not be very exited if i hit flush.  Just folding this flop may be even better option, because when we hit our flush - we have a weak bluffcatcher if he bombs 3 streets. So yea i think  fold this flop and take a better spot to make a move.. vs this type of villians u often will get much much better spots to put your money in since they play big pots oop with basicly any 4 and try to take everything down .

adi1 11 years, 6 months ago

if he's the type of player to bluff this way, you'll find plenty of better opportunities to pick him off than here imo.

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