$50 plo 3b pot with AKQTds, flop options?
Posted by midori
Posted by midori posted in Low Stakes
$50 plo 3b pot with AKQTds, flop options?
BN: $54.78
SB: $158.06 (Hero)
BB: $143.59
HJ: $71.58
CO: $54.29
SB: $158.06 (Hero)
BB: $143.59
HJ: $71.58
CO: $54.29
BTN = 54/32/17, rather spewy
HJ = 26/16/9, reg
BB = 23/12/4, kind of TAGish reg
HJ = 26/16/9, reg
BB = 23/12/4, kind of TAGish reg
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ raises to $1.75, CO folds, BN calls $1.75, Hero raises to $7.50, BB folds, HJ calls $5.75, BN calls $5.75
HJ raises to $1.75, CO folds, BN calls $1.75, Hero raises to $7.50, BB folds, HJ calls $5.75, BN calls $5.75
Against HJ open and BTN flat this seemed like a good enough hand to 3bet, although we would hate to get 4b by BB. By any chance, is it okay to flat here too?
(3 Players)
So we flop rather okayish without hitting a pair. SPR is about 3 vs HJ, and 2 vs BTN. This probably hits BTN's range the hardest, so if I and HJ check here I expected BTN to take a stab quite often. At the same time, if I check, HJ pots and BTN shoves I might be able to find a fold, as I might not have good enough equity vs 2 strong ranges.
That said, what would be our best option? Pot/call, or x/jam? Is checking too dangerous because BTN can just check back so often?
That said, what would be our best option? Pot/call, or x/jam? Is checking too dangerous because BTN can just check back so often?
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