4k pot 3bet pot nuts vs raise

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4k pot 3bet pot nuts vs raise



Hi here I face a tough decision 200bb deep in a 3bet pot when I get xraise on flop with nuts. I think I can't fold and bettwen allin and peel&stack off I think the best move is to peel and stack off on every no diamond turn. The only possible alternative is to xbehind the flop and raise turn o river but I thing my hand needs protection on flop :(

What do u think about the hand? ty


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unbuwoha 9 years ago

I cannot find many hands in villain's raising range that don't contain dd besides some sets. So P&SO sounds reasonable. Check back makes some sense with bare 86 I guess since you want to pot control.

JNandez87 8 years, 11 months ago

Bet flop for sure. It depends on who you're playing against when it comes to the flop decision after facing the raise. I assume the hand is from a live game and that some players in live games have very exploitive tendencies (overvaluing non-nutted hands, being overprotective or under-bluffing spots etc).

So if there is a possibility your opponent could have a weaker made hand, you might cost yourself a lot of money by not jamming now. On the other hand if you're playing against a very tight player, getting it in now might be a pretty big mistake as peel-and-stack-off is going to be a lot more profitable.

Assuming you're playing against a strong and smart player, my default line is to call and see what happens IP, pretty much with range.

HARSHEEL 8 years, 6 months ago

I agree with @jnandez87;what you do here is very player specific. In the past I have been very sporadic with this situation leaning between potting and peeling off after leading out and getting raised. I have faced slightly similar situations recently and SPR has played a big role in my decision making. Given the stack sizes above, your table image becomes the leading factor in whether or not a majority of the opponent's range calls your all. Next, you need to consider how profitable this situation is relative to peeling off and getting a turn to influence your opponent's calling range to commit his chips where you still are ahead. :)

Maxmidget 8 years, 3 months ago

I don't see how flop isn't an automatic jam - we have redraw to higher straight and we can push equity against a lot of sets, flush draws, and dry straights in villain's calling range.

If we are peeling, what is the plan? Check back or fold when turn pairs the board or completes the flush? Push in chips on dry turns?

AllinAMar 8 years, 3 months ago

If he's a tough reg would he ever x/r with a bare set or straight here 200BB deep and call off a reraise jam here? He would likely need at least a FD to go with either one if he plans to continue, in which case you are in trouble. Even if he is putting Hero on AAxx if hero is a tight 3bettor and x/r bluffing with something random, then you keep those bluffs in his range as well by peeling.

I might have the syntax wrong, but you are probably not a favourite if you shove here and get called (assuming Villain won't x/r bare sets and straights and call off his stack 200BB deep that is).

nittyoldman 8 years ago

I think there's value to jamming that hasn't been mentioned, if you ever make the mistake of folding incorrectly on a later street, that's really bad for the call flop argument

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