4bet Pot 265bb deep - flopspot
Posted by Philly
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Low Stakes
4bet Pot 265bb deep - flopspot
Villain is more on the tight side (23/16). His 4betting range is heavily leaned towards AA but i guess he´s good enough to have some premium rundowns too.
Flop: I guess villain should checkraise quite a lot of his getin hands in order to avoid awkward turn situations and because we can bluffbet quite a lot on this board. So i´m never really happy to stackoff blindly with bottom2 pair. On the other hand, our hands value will mostly heavily decrease on most turns, so i prefer to bet. (Is my thinking ok?)
If i bet, and get jammed its most probably a fold. Thus, how should i choose my betsize? Imo 60-64 gives me enough room to bet/fold as well as being able jamming the river if called from a SPR point of view.
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I think you should bet even smaller, something like 30-40. That's the type of board that aaxx usually just gives up on. Imo a high % of his c/r range would be aaxx with hearts. I think he would lead all straights unless he had hearts to go with it. Check raising that board with most of his range would be suicidal so I think once he checks he most probably gives up. Betting 64 will leave you with 156 to call a pot of 378...makes me want to call c/r cause of the aaxx heart possibility. I think betting small will accomplish the same thing and will give you more room to fold to a c/r.
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