4567 DS preflop
Posted by 24Caliber
Posted by 24Caliber posted in Mid Stakes
4567 DS preflop
SB: SB: $224
BB: Hero: $440.50
UTG: UTG: $1
HJ: MP: $723
CO: CO: $70
CO posts big blind, UTG raises to $10, MP folds, CO calls $8, BTN folds, SB folds
Hero ?
OR is playing 37/21/7 and the short stack 86/48/23 (the short stack posted)
Had this spot a few times recently where I have 4 connected low cards that are doubled suited, but felt that all my options are pretty poor and lead to situations where basically I get it in bad if I don't play the hand very passively (bitter)!
What do people think in this kind of situation, I seem to lean towards seeing a flop and then playing the hand pretty passive unless I flop massive (as the FD have very little value multiway)? I can't add a spoiler but that is what I did in this hand (peeled then check-folded flop)
Is this hand a lot weaker than I am perceiving it preflop...what kind of situations would this hand be good to 3 bet with and what time peel with?
All feedback appreciated :)
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