3way, SPR>1
Posted by JimmyGlass
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Low Stakes
3way, SPR>1
CO: 46.61
BN: 53.85
SB: 50
BB: 155.67 (Hero)
HJ: 50.42
BN: 53.85
SB: 50
BB: 155.67 (Hero)
HJ: 50.42
BU - very tight reg, overall sqz 2.7
CO 51\16 over 500 hands (fwiw)
CO 51\16 over 500 hands (fwiw)
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ folds, CO raises to 1.75, BN raises to 6, SB folds, Hero raises to 20, CO calls 18.25, BN calls 14
HJ folds, CO raises to 1.75, BN raises to 6, SB folds, Hero raises to 20, CO calls 18.25, BN calls 14
(3 Players)
Hero bets 43.75
any options other than shove otf?
is Ac any relevant here?
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Bet super small with your entire range is another option...to get action from worse when you have it and the possibly make some hero folds if a tight player shoves. You don't have to shove every flop even though with AA and these stacks it's +EV in general. Especially 3-way I would recommend betting very very small.
After the flop has been dealt, you can only potentially lose 33.85$ in addition to the 20$ pf, right? With a pot of 60.75 I think it is a shove. Ac matters a lot, since you can rule out many hands with clubs in it, that would call a 4bet here. I think you will take it down often enough to show a profit.
I dont think you can rule out clubs completely but I do agree that having the Ac here is really nice. High suited rundowns or DS run downs will be calling 4bets, KKxx with a suit/DS - so a flush could be part of their range some of the time - having the Ac blocker here 3way is so nice though - being able to exclude the nut flush and more flush combos is nice as it improves our equity in general in this sport.
You cant really be wrong going all-in - and with the SPR being this low you need very little real equity, coupled with any fold equity as well and your hand here is pretty strong imo - I would defo be getting my money in.
Can someone explain the super small bet idea to me? I've seen Phil Galfond and Sam Lang do it in these very low SPR situations but haven't gave an explanation to why when they do it. Is it essentially to realise of any fold equity we may have/ allowing us to bluff in very low SPR spots while possibly folding? To induce jams with our value range? Or to give ourselves better odds when shoved on with our marginal holding? It's a new concept to me - I've never seen it used before Yesterday.
I totally agree that we can't rule out clubs, but I still feel like a decent chunk of club-hands that would call this 4bet have been taken out of the run by the fact that we hold Ac.
I think that folder says it as it is; that we some times might get action from worse hands and maybe induce a jam that wouldn't call a pot sized bet/all in. I do, however, feel it is unlikely in this hand, when the SPR is so low. I don't know enough about these super small bets though. But I guess you could use it as a default-line depending on knowledge about villain and dynamics.
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