3BET pot oop: OP + 2 rnr fd's
Posted by Koopa
Posted by Koopa posted in Mid Stakes
3BET pot oop: OP + 2 rnr fd's
Zoom game on stars.
Villain is playing 27/18/10 opens CO 26% and folds to 3bets 11% over a decent sample. Raise cbet in 3bet pot is 23%. No particular history with villain (that I recall) but based on stats he is quite aggressive.
I am a bit lost on the flop. Maybe too result oriented, but I feel that people usually have us in pretty bad shape when they raise this size without history even if they have aggressive looking stats. In game I felt that if I am folding this hand with the 2 back doors I will end up folding a lot (too much?).
What do you think about my sizing on flop?
What do you think about villains sizing here? Are there hands we can exclude ? ( I always think people just pot it when they have pair + gs (i.e. JT76) on these boards), agree?
What other considerations do you make when deciding to go for it or not?
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