3bet pot, checked to last to act
Posted by DirtyD
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3bet pot, checked to last to act
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
CO: $22.95
Hero (BTN): $74.56
SB: $53.51
BB: $50.00
UTG: $11.25
MP: $179.58
Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with 5h Kc Th Qc
UTG calls $0.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $2.25, SB calls $2, BB raises to $9.50, 1 fold, Hero calls $7.25, SB calls $7.25
Flop: ($29.00) Qh 9c 8s (3 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero?
SB is a big fish playing 88/44 so far. BB is a seemingly competent reg playing 28/23 with 3bet of 12. I decided to check, since my hand is decent but not great (not thrilled about getting it in) with some backdoor potential. However, there's certainly a lot of value in taking it down with the pot this big already. I'm wondering if I should just be jamming here.
What's our overall strategy here with regard to frequencies and sizing? I'm thinking I should have a potting range of hands of hands that can get it in but don't especially want action, like the one I have, along with some very strong hands, and a more polarized range for betting small (1/4-1/3 pot) of very nutty/robust hands and some bluffs that I can fold to a re-raise.
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I dont think you should worry about frequencies here. People usually doesnt exploit you even if you play exploitably. So just adjust your bet sizeing on what you actually have. ~$16 if you got air, ~$24 if you got nuts and check back hands which have equity but you dont want to get check/raised off.
Of course, if villains play very face-up then checking and realizing our equity is probably best, since we're almost never ahead when the money goes in here, and the equity we get villains to fold when we jam probably doesn't make up for the money we lose when we're behind.
With that said, I also think if we check, SB will bet turn any hand of value like set, straight or twopair. So that makes our hand easy to play on the turn also. If checked trough again, we can surely bet turn and take it down very often.
and 22% vs straights also...
Turn: ($29.00) Qd (3 players)
SB bets $29.00, BB raises to $40.50 all in, Hero folds, SB calls $11.50
SB had Jc7cAs7h and BB had Kh8hKsQs.
SB pretty much had an airball spaz on the turn, but I guess we can expect that from a fish. It's not a bad spot for him to bluff but I don't see any need to pot. Facing a pot and re-shove, I think I can fold pretty comfortably.
What do you think of BB's flop check? Seems pretty bad to me. With a pretty strong, but vulnerable hand, I think he should just shove. Not sure what his plan was if I bet flop.
Anyway, BB flop check is standard. Its a spot where if he bets and get raised, he cant do much but fold. Twopair on a locked down board is hard to extract value from worse, and its not vurnerable with the lack of draws. It would be different if the flop was QT9 with a flushdraw. Would be a simple cbet to me in that spot because people will have wider calling ranges.
With < 1.5pot left, I assume if BB bets he would just pot, so he's not bet-folding. I understand why this could be a check in a single-raised pot, but doesn't the very small SPR change things? And what does he do if I bet? I guess he could stack off against me if SB folds, but fold if I bet AND SB continues.
If you bet and SB continues, its pretty clear fold for BB with twopair imo. If the SPR was lower, lets say 0.5, he would only need ~25% equity to get it in and thats problably ok spot to go with it. Getting it in here is a little spewy.
In other words, we expect to have the best equity here vs villains' ranges, and we have decent fold equity, and. in addition, playing future streets is difficult because we don;t know which outs are clean. This all points to a shove IMO.
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