3b pott oop vs lag mTw-DaviN checkraiseing a double gutter 315bb eff
Posted by Leo Nordin
Posted by Leo Nordin posted in High Stakes
3b pott oop vs lag mTw-DaviN checkraiseing a double gutter 315bb eff
BN: n0d1ceb4by: $11939.80
SB: ISILDRooN: $10311.62
BB: mTw-DaviN: $6294.50
SB: ISILDRooN: $10311.62
BB: mTw-DaviN: $6294.50
(3 Players)
ISILDRooN was dealt
n0d1ceb4by folds, ISILDRooN raises to $50, mTw-DaviN raises to $172, ISILDRooN calls $132
n0d1ceb4by folds, ISILDRooN raises to $50, mTw-DaviN raises to $172, ISILDRooN calls $132
(2 Players)
ISILDRooN checks,
mTw-DaviN bets $280,
ISILDRooN raises to $800,
mTw-DaviN calls $520
(2 Players)
ISILDRooN bets $1440,
mTw-DaviN calls $1440
(2 Players)
Flop, i felt like checkcalling is kind of * bleak* here, he will just barrol at ton of turn were we haft to fold. And with this dry board where we have a pretty hidden double gutter to the nuts i felt that he is kind of forced to slowplay his AAxx A9xx 99xx 55xx to a c/r. Since we are calling a 3b oop 315bb eff our range do contain a bunch of AAxx thats not gona play well enough to a 4b, at least my range do that. So i felt like c/r is the best options for those reasons.
+ Good for balance
+ Give us the initiative
- He do have a rly low fold to checkraise in 3b potts so we are gona haft to barrol a ton of turns here
Turn; We make the nuts on a pretty crazy card and i dont know if i wanna bet or checkraise for protection since we are going to have like -180bb left for a river. But i felt like betting is better since he will come over the top with like Axxx with fd + gutter and stuff like that that maaaaybe are betfolding vs a c/r.
River; Ok, do we check here to induce a bluff? Cant rly see how could get called by worse and maaaaybe he jams a ATxx for value here when we check to get a herocall by A9xx A8xx A5xx but its unlikley imo. Do we checkcall or jam for value?
Would be nice to now what u think about my overall play here and what we should do on the river //Leo
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