3b Pot Facing An Uncommon Flop Decision

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3b Pot Facing An Uncommon Flop Decision


Villain is a reg on the weaker and straight forward side, meaning I don't think he's likely to go bonkers on flops with little or no equity vs a c-bet too often.  He's opening 37% of CO's and calling 80%, 4b 12% or 4.5% of hands.  Folding to 32% of c-bets in 3bet pots, raising c-bets 39% in 3b pots.

This is generally a flop I c-bet with my entire range on the smaller side, maybe 30-40% pot or so, and proceed w/ my range according to how he reacts and various turn cards.  I'm not positive that's best but it seems easier to have one action on flops like this rather than trying to balance both a betting and checking range.  Not to mention, on a texture as wet as this, we're more incentivized to bet hands that need protection. 

However, we have kind of a unique decision here when we flop this type of hand.  I think in isolation, this hand plays better as a x/ca on the flop a) b/c we have a lot of equity with this holding that we don't really want to bet/fold, b) our hand doesn't require a whole lot in terms of protection, c) we induce some stabs from hands that would fold to a c-bet and let villain define his range a bit before the turn, d) the times we prevent ourselves from b/f the flop, and turn a Q or J, we potentially win a large pot. 

I haven't developed a x/ca range for this spot, but I'm not sure that even matters against this player.  This hand just seems like it'd work well in that range, so I'm tempted to just do it and maximize my EV for this particular hand.


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