3b defend IP: weak pair, weak draw

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3b defend IP: weak pair, weak draw

BN: $113.94
SB: $64.07
BB: $25
UTG: $12.81
HJ: $29.40 (Hero)
CO: $37.48
V 75/75, 4 hands zoom
Preflop ($0.35) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 8 5 A 7
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.85, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds, BB raises to $2.50, Hero calls $1.65
Flop ($5.35) 7 J K (2 Players)
BB bets $4.88

Raising seems to thin, calling doesn't seem to accomplish anything because I'll have very bad visibility on turns, folding seems kinda tight. Best way to deal with situations like these?


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TJ Serdar 11 years ago

I'm gonna ignore stats since it's a 4 hand sample.

I think you can fold flop here, assuming he's 3b something standard like ~ 8%

While your equity is probably in the mid 30's, unfortunately none of the cards that improve your range will be strong enough to get value, nor will they make good bluff catching combos.  So I think just folding is best.  He'll have a better flush draw ~23% of the time, and 2pr+ ~24% of the time, so very frequently your outs will be dead 1 way or the other, and the times they're not you won't be getting value.  Basically, it's a reverse implied odds nightmare.

Looking at your range (I gave you 17%-AA,AKK), you can defend something like: 2PR>, NFD, PR+OE>, WR, 3NFD+(PR>, GD>), TP+(NGD, BFD) and still have a 60% defending frequency on this flop, which seems OK.  I think it's a better one for villain than for you, so defending a bit less than theory would suggest seems reasonable.

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