350 BBs deep, 4bet pot, AA.

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350 BBs deep, 4bet pot, AA.

PLO 0.05/0.10

UTG - Hero 350 BBs deep
UTG + 1 - 150 BBs deep
SB - Villain 350 BBs deep

Hero AhAsJh8c opens pot (3.5BB), UTG + 1 repots (10.5BB), SB cold calls. Hero repots (circa 45BBs), both opponents call.

Flop (circa 145 BBs in the middle)
8s 6d 2d

SB leads pot (145 BBs). Hero is next to act. SPR is around 2, and I have UTG+1 behind me with 100 BBs left in his stack.

I have no diamonds. I hold an 8, blocking top set. I don't have much by way of redraw. There is a lot of money already out there.

Your move?

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