3 bet pot vs over aggro
Posted by QnS1086
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Low Stakes
3 bet pot vs over aggro
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.14
SB: $9.32
BB: $4.23
UTG: $6.14 (Hero)
MP: $46.14
CO: $2.57
SB: $9.32
BB: $4.23
UTG: $6.14 (Hero)
MP: $46.14
CO: $2.57
Hero is UTG with
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Villain 61/44, 3 bet 25%, and has reached 1700bb in another table xD
=>Should I 4bet ?
Villain cbet 92% in 3bet pot.. Maybe a sizing tell. Pot = he has something (not always the nuts). So 1/2 pot is most likely to be weak.
Is floating OOP with backdoors a viable option?
I think I should have bet the river...Maybe I'm the one who is weak here...
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After the 50% CB and the check OTT you can easily bet like 50-60% OTR.
On those stakes I consider a check IP as 'I give up kind of action'.
Vs this kind of crazy 3 bettor, I would def 4bet here. Your hand is good enough against very wide range.
On flop I would just c/f. Hand is too weak to put in check call range. Realizing your equity can be pretty problematic for this to be +ev.
lead flop
as played float flop bluff river
I'm new so bear that in mind with the following:
I personally would probably not 4bet this hand. I think you are ahead of his range so a 4bet wouldn't necessarily be bad but I don't think you will have much fold equity.
Being double suited is great but I would like the suits to be A high and K high as opposed to A high and T high or I would like the 4 to be a connected card 9 (poss 8) or higher before I 4bet.
At PLO10 I have seen players like this call down or stack off incredibly light e.g in multi-way pots with 8 high flushes, bottom straight on a board that favours the high straight (65 on 987 board) etc. Just massively overvaluing their made hands and rarely fold if they hit a draw.
This said I would check fold the flop. IMO you are unlikely to get enough hands that beat yours to fold to make it a plus ev lead.
If you are check calling you may be able to pull the odd bluff off but I would say you would most likely to get called down extremely light.
I understand the call with the specific read that he might be weak but I think there are too many turn cards he will bet again that don't help you. As played with check on the turn I would not bet river. A month ago I might have bet pot or close to it on the river but have been called down very lightly making this a marginal high variance play at best.
Against this type of player I think you will find yourself in much better positions and can extract your value then. It doesn't feel good folding the flop against this player but you miss just about all of it and if nothing else you have to respect his position on you. Sometimes you just have to let others get away with their semi-bluffs and bluffs. Trying to outplay "worse" opponents has cost me plenty.
Unfortunately your seat at the table sucks being to his right as you would love to play pots against this guy in position.
I would appreciate any comments on my lines of thought as I'm here to learn!
This hand wins 0% of tine when we check, we need some bluffs, this hand is a perfect bluff. Flop we have to call with bdnfd and nut gutsjot and two overs with a blocker vs a half pot bet. This hand is too strong to fold because of our equity, run equity calls vs AA here
Interesting thoughts. I don't have any leading range in 3 bet pot. I have already a hard time implemented them in SRP. That's something that will be a work in progress.
Anyway I don't think i will have a leading range against him in this situation (but this is indeed a nice hand to lead vs a classical opponent)
-His 3betting range is so wide so that we should be even range vs range on that kind of board.
-He is overCbetting a lot so I don't have any reason to lead with my strongest holdings.
If the 5c was a 8+ I would 4bet for sure.
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