2c/5c, call 3b on button? (basic question)
Posted by OMGredline
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Low Stakes
2c/5c, call 3b on button? (basic question)
SB: 31.64
BB: 5.46
CO: 3.55
BN: 4.55 (Hero)
BB: 5.46
CO: 3.55
BN: 4.55 (Hero)
(4 Players)
Hero was dealt
CO folds, Hero raises to 0.15, SB folds, BB raises to 0.47, Hero calls 0.32
CO folds, Hero raises to 0.15, SB folds, BB raises to 0.47, Hero calls 0.32
(2 Players)
BB bets 0.60,
Hero folds
Final Pot
wins 0.92
As standard, is this an easy call IP or sigh call or ever a fold ?
Am I worrying too much about villain having dominating cards? I don't assume now that a random player is 3-betting mostly AAxx, and could be much wider than big pairs.
Also can I float the flop vs. a random given a pair and the price? I wasn't sure. I think the flush draw made my mind up. SPR would be 1.5 on the turn. It feels like there wouldn't be enough good turn cards to get it in on the turn vs 2nd barrels even if he has mostly overpairs.
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This is standart open on BN, sometimes on CO. But as standart is fold to 3bet. With double-suit or no dangler in hand you should call though.
Actually, when the 3B range becomes very tight, you have more incentive to call.
- You're 38.25% against AA
- You're 36.57% vs top 5%6h
That might seem counter-intuitive, but it's pretty logical. When he 3B mostly AA, his outs overlap little with yours, and you have a good read on how his hand flops. The worst 3B range for your type of hand is AA + premium suited/coordinated hands that dominate yours. Against AA only, you do better.
As for the default, I don't think you are giving up much by folding to the 3B against an unknown in a micro limit game with high rake. But you should train yourself to become comfortable defending hands like this heads-up and in position. Raise-folding HU and in position is not something you should do often in PLO, especially not with an unpaired, suited and decently coordinated hand.
At SSPLO this is an easy call for me, against a 3b. Unless I have reads that villain 3bs wider than the premium hands (5%) I am happy to call and play a pot in position with a semi connected hand. It's when villain starts to widen his 3b range and include good broadway card hands that I would consider this hand a fold but I do not see that a lot at levels under 50PLO.
Also while your hot and cold equity is only 35-40% you are going to be able to take away a lot of flops and turns from villains with narrow ranges. I would even float here if we change the Js to the Jc since I think that we can bluff a lot of turns, improve with a lot of BD draws.
SSPLO you got players who are scared of the nuts and fold so wide, and others who could't spell nuts properly and over value weak hands that you can value bet wide against. Make notes, develop reads and play all the pots that you can comfortably in position.
very helpful, thumbs up bro
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