25z: 3Bet SB vs BU
Posted by Jab
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Low Stakes
25z: 3Bet SB vs BU
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $27.56
SB: $79.77 (Hero)
BB: $29.10
UTG: $28.67
MP: $53.91
CO: $18.32
SB: $79.77 (Hero)
BB: $29.10
UTG: $28.67
MP: $53.91
CO: $18.32
Hero is SB with
, , , ,
Final Pot
SB wins $28.72
Rake is $1.27
Rake is $1.27
Hey all,
here I am not sure if the line is okay.
Flop: Standard cbet i guess
Turn: I keep barreling because of my blockers and flush draw
River: Another barrel because of my blockers and I thought it would be very hard for villian to call down with any Ax or 2 pair.
Should I lower the turn size in order to have more leverage on the river?
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Pot turn is good. You want max fold equity here. One option that is probably unused is to bet little bit over half pot on turn. ev could be potentially higher here idk. He dont have here top set but you have plenty, especially with half pot sizing. If you bet half pot with blockers and he raises its gg. But thats also true with full pot sizing, because hes range is narrowed too much for T7 and hes raising no matter vs what sizing you did bet, with nut straight. If villain just calls turn 1/2 pot bet, not many straights in his range, because you are blocking also 55 and now you have many rivers to fire pot by bluff. 2, 3, 4, 7, J, Q, K you can pretty much happily shove (if no flush). If flush card comes, you can check and expect somewhat rarely villain turn his hand into bluff (atleast I believe this is the case in micro stakes). Soo if river card is you can pot bluff and now you are against wider range on river, because you did half pot and there is more money to win = which have higher ev, betting full pot or half pot on turn?
So yup, just some thoughts. Betting full pot on turn is definetely good, but always should look outside the box.
Thanks for the insight, I did not thought about that one. The more often I read it I like half pot turn more.
I just wonder, is this a good 3bet OOP?
I think double suited double pairs TTxx -KKxx is almost always a 3 bet vs a wide Button range. But not 100 % sure.
In my opinion it plays easier as a 3bet and I think its too strong too fold against a wide button range.
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