25/50 PLO hand at Bellagio - Trips on the turn, under trips on river
Posted by Bryce Yockey
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Bryce Yockey
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High Stakes
25/50 PLO hand at Bellagio - Trips on the turn, under trips on river
Fish limps in EP, another fish makes it 150 in CO, a third calls on the BTN, Andre (blond kid, young, pretty good, has played really high NLHE in the past), calls SB, I call K8c54 in the BB.
Flop Th 8s 2c, flop checks around.
Turn 8h Andre leads for 650, I call, everyone else folds.
River Ts
He checks.
I bet 1100.
He raises to 3700.
My thoughts,
Preflop is a bit loose, but I really wanted to play pots with the bad players in the game, not really worried about this too much.
Is this river valuebet too thin? I think K8 is the worst hand I would bet here for value. I felt like a lot of his checking range was worse 8s and overpairs, and some bluffs he gives up on.
If he had a Ten he would probably be better of leading against my entire range. Most of my hand range has showdown value after I call the turn; either weak value like JJ9hh or 8xxx, or strong value like a Ten. I assume he thinks I will check back most of my weaker 8s, but those could pay off to a lead. This is all true of a full house as well, except he might be able to get a check/raise in, so its closer, but overall I would think he'd be best off leading that as well.
Andre is a pretty loose and aggressive player from the time I've played with him, that makes me lean towards a call. Otoh, he might view me as a bit of a hero, so that might make him bluff less
I called.
Thoughts on the hand?
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I think I'd fold the river here. There aren't that many hands that he leads into 4 other players that would all of a sudden have to bluff on this river. From experience combined with the fact that he thinks you're a hero makes me really want to fold this hand here.
Given that you said this is the worst hand you'd bet for value here you'll have other hands that you will snap call his raise with (like Tx) and not be afraid that u got exploited.
I feel the river value bet is a bit too thin because I feel like he's never paying off an OP and not that many combos of worse 7's that he'd flat from the SB multiway pre.
It also doesn't make a whole lot of sense for value though (which is why it doesn't make sense as a bluff too :) ) cause you'll have a bluffcatcher most of the time and he should be betting all of his value combined with some bluffs to exploit it. I could see him going for a c/r with T8 or T2 (TT?), hoping you'd have a bare T or extracting an extra bet from a missed draw.
It's a really weird line though, but I'd fold, I simply think he's not bluffing enough.
It's kinda a weird spot because my betting range is so narrow after calling the turn. I can't just snap fold K8 just because its the bottom of my range, because my range includes so few hands in the first place. Like I rarely have a full house (slow played T8 is about it, maybe T2 very infrequently), so once I bet I have like A8, K8, Txxxhh, probably with some straight potential, which there aren't a ton of combos of that either.
It doesnt really make sense for him to have TT cause it reduces my valuebetting range even further, and reduces the number of hands I can bet/call with. If he has quads, he's just gonna bet. He's much more likely to show up with T8, 82, or T2 than TT imo. Obviously those hands are somewhat unlikely given that i have an 8, and he shouldnt have many 82 or T2 combos in the first place.
I could be convinced to not bet, but at the time I was sold on the fact he was gonna c/f worse 8x, so I thought I should bet. I think its pretty thin, but if we dont bet this, our valuebetting range is gonna be like KT+, its not like JT gets called by many worse hands that K8 does. The only difference is A8, and to be fair that could be a big enough difference, but at the time I thought his calling range was wide enough.
I think that's just a really easy way to play your hand against a really good player.
As for the way the hands played I'd defo fold, it's very very easy for you to have a hand that can call his river raise it seems away better spot for a value c/r than a bluff with no meaningful history to consider
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