2/5 PLO Live Preflop Spot: Maybe a Basic Question
Posted by MrCalzone
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Mid Stakes
2/5 PLO Live Preflop Spot: Maybe a Basic Question
Game is playing very loose. Most pots are 4-5 ways whether it's single raise or 3bet pot.
Hero has 80bbs ($400) and all relevant villains have him covered.
Straddle is on for $10. EP opens to $35 and UTG+1, MP each call.
Hero (HJ) looks down at Tc 9d 8c 7s
Is this a spot I should be 3-betting? I think this is an auto 3-bet deeper but wasn't sure if it was right with a 80bb stack.
- Thin the field (eg blinds + straddle probably all call if I call 75%+ time). Opens up some of my straight / pairs / flush draw
- Board visibility should be pretty good. I can comfortably just fold broadway-heavy boards, rep dry Ace-high flops, and obviously any actual favorable flops for my actual hand
- We're in good relative position to those already in the pot
- Pretty shallow so not a ton of maneuverability post
- Non AA KKxx heavy hands probably have some of our outs covered
Any thoughts?
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You hand is basically only a 30-33% favorite against virtually any range of hands three way. So you are not betting for straight value here. So that raises some questions.
Are the two people in front of you easily bluffable? If so, raise away because you will be able to win the pot on many flops you miss.
Are the two people in front of you call boxes post flop? If so, raise away because they will likely call if you hit your hand on the flop.
Will the cut-off and the button fold when they would have otherwise called (thereby buying position)? If so, raise away because you will be in a better position to outplay your opponents postflop.
If it isn't incredibly obvious that your two opponents have one of these two leaks and it isn't likely that both the cutoff and button will fold, I would like to think I would just call (in reality, I would probably raise because i just like to raise, even though I really don't think it is optimal).
I'd guess fold to 3b from those ahead of me is virtually 0% and the CO/BTN probably cold call 10-20% of time.
I too think that calling is probably best but I like raising as well :).
With the info that you give I would almost never 3-bet this. If you are like 200 bb's deep or more then you can play this really well in board coverage. YOU CANNOT use your positional advantage since it will be so shallow and you WILL get called here and play 4-5 way which your type off hand dont want...
Call and see a flop in pos with MORE money behind, after all your positional advantage is from the fact that you can take different decisions based on the info you recive. If its jam/fold without having nuts or very strong draw it's not that big off an advatange. Call let them come in with their garbage and collect if you gin or get out cheap.
Thanks. In retrospect, I think this is the best play, keep SPR as high as possible.
Pretty easy call for alĺ the reasons mentioned above.
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