Live 2/5 turn spot where I have v big draw oop
Posted by ibey33
Posted by ibey33 posted in Mid Stakes
Live 2/5 turn spot where I have v big draw oop
750 effective
I raise co limper to 25. Btn calls bb calls limper comes
Jc10c9s3s ( my cards
87k rainbow
I bet 125 btn calls fast
Turn 4c
I pot
Ok line?
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Seems pretty normal, dont know what image you have though as it can make an impact for sure. As I know the standard play for a player at these live stakes is to call with ANY draw and x/r with set/top2. So you are facing some mediocre hand or a draw and by draws it does not always have to be with the nuts, they can pretty easy call with a hand like K65,KJTx etc... I Think you can both x/b to realize your Equity or bet but this is more villian dependet and your image.
To summerize I dont Think you line is ever bad but I Think you can optimize it based ont the circumstances and here against some random player I Think you will face 56 more often then you want.
was there now 2clubs OTT? I like the turn bet regardless.
Yes ott I have big big straight draw and also a fd
Sorry I'm a plo noob
Seems like I don't wanna x/call
So jamming is rly only option I don't know of a different sizing
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Just pot/call the turn. I don't see any other play.
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