2/5 Party Poker 350BB blind war. River?

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2/5 Party Poker 350BB blind war. River?

Blinds: $2.00/$5.00 (6 Players) UTG: $527.75
MP: $500.00
CO: $500.00
BN: $1334.53
SB: $1778.35
BB: $1743.86 (Hero)
SB seems to be good reg. We played maybe 100 hands. Pretty much unknown.
Preflop ($7.00) Hero is BB with 3 3 5 4
2 folds, SB calls $3.00, Hero raises to $15.00, SB raises to $45.00, Hero calls $30.00
First time he limp-reraised. In hand I didn't know excatly what to think of his range.
Flop ($90.00) J 3 6
SB bets $44.00, Hero calls $44.00
I could consider raising small but SB was relativly unknown. I wouldn't know what to do if he re-pots and pots OTT. What do you guys think this deep? Please notice half pot size bet.
Turn ($178.00) J 3 6 7
SB bets $132.00, Hero raises to $572.00, SB calls $440.00

So the river comes 6 of diamonds. Pot size is 1322$ and we have 1082$ behind.
SB Checks.

Hero ?

I don't wanna say my analysis since I know the result and have more info.


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Aleksandra ZenFish 6 years, 9 months ago

Check back, ;-), draws missed and you are losing to part of his value range that hit.
Bet has little purpose in that spot IMO, might be wrong tho.
Seems he capped on previous street to no str8, hence bet wont take him off a split str8 , he will fold missed draws, and you might end value cutting yourself.
If it doesn't make you puke, you can bet small to get payed by trips , and sigh if you get jammed on.

porshy 6 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for input.
Firstly, its not split straight. I have a boat with 33....
It could be argued otherwise the point, that he does not have 45 on river.
I would never re-pot turn with naked 45(lets say he has A457). You could have like 30% equity at worst against 45 with a redraw(higher SD or FD). Which is kind a bad for 700bb pot.

Aleksandra ZenFish 6 years, 9 months ago

Sorry, my bad, just glanced at the hand :-)
Number of boats outnumber the hands that can pay you off, like trip 6 if we assume that he wont call with worse. For that deep stack, i would be conservative and check back.

Sauce123 6 years, 9 months ago

His betting frequency should be quite low on this flop, and his turn betting freq on this runout with this SPR should be near 0. When my opponent's betting volume should be close to 0, and, voilà, they make a big bet, I usually guess they have a big hand and forgot to slowplay it. You have the nuts, so you raise. I'm almost certain river is a shove but I can imagine assumptions such that it's a good exploitative check behind. NH.

porshy 6 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for input.
Agree with conclusion. With that I mean that shove is GTO play?

When I was thinking in the hand , I was thinking would he check a boat here?
And I was 99% that he won't:) Since what bluffs do I have?
I can't imagine myself or more importantly anyone having bluffs on the river with this action. Why would I keep bluffing/repping 45 when the board is paired?
I have at most 1 blocker for boat, since I can't imagine I would be potting 2pair OTT somehow even with nutdraws.
Well I had a feeling that I never have a bluff here, and most people don't, so why would he check a boat?
Of course in the hand he checked it (6677ds no fd). And of course I shoved:)
Just I can't understand why would he ever check a boat/quads here...SPR 0.8.
I'm never valuebetting straight on the river. And the only hand for me that play this way and are boats on the river are super rare. Is raising JJ89 OTT viable?

What if he has like top2 with FD etc, he would like to bluff some.

So I'd say that he made exploititive check and it magicly worked since I had lower boat on the river which will happen infinitly low amount of the time.
Funny thing is , I was also thinking if J or 7 paired, I would probably check ..
Its like, ye NH, a lot of different pieces just came into place for this hand to happen the way it did. And to put this over the top, is his hand, which is really bad value hand to check with. Just hillarious:):)

Phil Galfond 6 years, 9 months ago

When my opponent's betting volume should be close to 0, and, voilà, they make a big bet, I usually guess they have a big hand and forgot to slowplay it.

My experience is the same at higher stakes, and porshy said this seemed to be a good player, but I want to point out for people playing 100plo and lower: I suspect many in the player pool at lower stakes will just be way over-cbetting this flop because they don't know any better. Against a field I have that assumption about, I'd play this flop very aggressively at this SPR, raising this hand as well as a bunch of weak stuff, and I wouldn't do much folding.

plolearnerguy 6 years, 9 months ago

I'm definitely value betting the river. If villain did river a boat he would jam it, because he puts me on a straight that will check back. There is a pretty decent chance that villain has 45 (villain needs a pretty strong hand to call our turn raise) and he will almost always call with it.

Pierre 6 years, 9 months ago

Pretty clear river shove imo. You block the boats (somewhat irrelevant with 33 though) and the rundowns that have a boat. I expect the pool to be donk shoving a decent amount of the time with boats to put pressure on straights. You are very very high in your range too: most JJxx would raise OTF and most turn 2Ps are not raise potting OTT. Finally, you have tons of bluffs here.

Pierre 6 years, 9 months ago

Just noticed you said you don't have any bluffs by the river. That seems insane to me. This deep you want to put max pressure on your opponent whose range missed the board pretty hard - and you also want to play deceptively so that they will donk shove cards that look bad to you range. You really need to be raising ''SOME'' hands like 5689 89JQ OTT as deep.

porshy 6 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for input. I guess my raise OTT PSB was a little too big.
Yes I said I don't have bluffs on the river. But I know I should , its just my game this deep is not developed yet... But looking at the pool I think there are very few who have bluffs on this specific river given the action.
So that why it was puzzling to me for villain to check boats.
Given the field , the shove was then exploititive play.

And with the limp-reraise preflop action, how many 45's are there compared to other stuff...

I guess the villain bluff catchers are some kind of J789 with fd or 689T with fd..
Or even some aces might be suspicious of the river play after the board pairs..
Pot is super big and only 0.8spr on the river...
And add some 45's in there and maybe shove is worth it...

miami002 6 years, 9 months ago

Very close spot. My problem with shoving is that I dont see much worse we can get value from. Like Ben said our opponent shouldnt double barrel too often on that board and in case he does he should have pretty strong hand most of the time. He shouldnt have too many J6, 45 in his limp-raising range so main hands he is gonna have are sets, overpairs with clubs, maybe something like A98cc or similar he choose to double barrel on the turn. All sets and J6 got there on the river and all combo draws with clubs missed. So basically what Im saying is that on that river he is definitely gonna have some slowplays in his range and a lot of overpairs with missed club draws. Maybe we can squeeze out some small value like 1/3 pot bet against AA, KK but I feel like shoving is little bit too light. I would say its a very nice check from your opponent given the ranges in play. I bet he was trapping in a hope to see light shoves from straights or blockers.

Boris288 6 years, 9 months ago

With 350bb deep his range preflop is really wide and would not exlude many things cause he limp/reraise which is kinda funny considering stacks.Standard play until the river which is really surprising from him.He has a lot of bluffs like top pair plus fd and/or turned higher straight draws that missed on the river so he definitely have to shove basically any full house.It is possible that he put you on some semi bluffing hand on turn considering he did not have clubs.When he checks he can have some overpairs that might call rarely as well as straights without redraw on turn.Maybe even some trips,anyway I think you re basically obligated to shove with this spr.

Mtn Athletics 6 years, 9 months ago

I would check-behind, because I don’t see anything worse that can pay us off.

Except opponent is a station. But we don’t have enough evidence.

The real significant value lies on the table, when you have more stats, tendencies, betting patterns, timing tells, etc.

No need to battle here with baby full house for marginal equity.

He owned you in that hand and get on with it.

Alien Slayer 6 years, 9 months ago

Well at least now you have a solid read that he isn’t a good reg... making so many mistakes in one hand is quite difficult to do ... but ya I also think you played the hand fine without prior reads.

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