2018 PLO Analysis / Solving Tools

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2018 PLO Analysis / Solving Tools

Hey community,

Interested in feedback from RIO instructors as well as midstakes & highstakes PLO players for improving as a player by using the most optimal tools for studying and making serious PLO analysis.

Posting here I believe might help a lot of players also wondering the same.

Solvers are no doubt having an impact on PLO strategies and will continue to do so in the future.

The tools that seems to be mostly used in PLO right now :
- Monkersolver
- PokerJuice
- Odds Oracle
- PLO Calc (PIOSolver Team)
- Simple Omaha (beta testing yet)

Monkersolver seems to be used more and more right now, being if I understand right the most complete and only preflop and Postflop solver for multiway and HU.

I’ve seen a post by ZenFish explaining the added value of PLO Calc as a range explorer to Monkersolver.

Here are my questions :

1- Which PLO Tools do you use for your analysis right now and what do you achieve with these tools? Which stakes do you think this is useful for?

2- Do you think Monksolver is a no-brainer to be purchased for midstakes players looking into serious analysis, limited by the range guessing we make when input with PokerJuice?

3- Are you using PLOCalc, and how? Do you think it is a tool to be used for any serious analysis?

The reason I’m asking this :
- We all have limited time in our day, being efficient and using accurate tools is key
- Questioning the way we do things on a regular basis and the tools we use seems important to get where we want
- Monkersolver seems to be a time investment and a money investment of roughly :
fixed cost of $500
+ optionally purchasing a 6-max sim for $150 or more
+ at least $80-100 per month for running Postflop sims through renting a virtual machine

What’s your feedback on all of this to make the most accurate PLO analysis?

As the saying goes : “Alone we go faster, together we go further.”

Thanks for the feeedback guys and GL for crushing at the tables.


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Nick Johnson 6 years, 10 months ago

I think for players that are serious about grinding mid-high stakes Monkersolver would likely be a very helpful tool. I don't know if I would ever use the word necessary involving a solver, but with how small the edges are the higher you move up a solver may be something that allows you to understand the game in ways you never thought of before. I don't use it right now, but I plan on implementing it in the near future as I think there's just too much value in running those sims and seeing what is close to optimal. I have used PioSolver for some time to really refine my NL game and I can say that it has for sure helped.

Now, I will say players must exercise good discipline and study the sims to understand why Monker is saying a certain strat or line is being implemented. I see too many players that are somewhat new as far as using solvers that just auto pilot solver strats without understanding why they are making the plays they are or even worse leaving their exploitative skills aside.

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