$200PLO - Deep turn-decision
Posted by Sightblinder
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Mid Stakes
$200PLO - Deep turn-decision
BB: $342.78
CO: $431.81 (Hero)
BN: $206.46
SB: $478.39
CO: $431.81 (Hero)
BN: $206.46
SB: $478.39
-Opens very light UTG (though ~somewhat nutty A854ns)
-May check turn in a 3bet pot with topset+nFD to c/rai versus bet, so watch out for check/potting
-Have pot-donked T2P+Flushdraw in a big 3way 3bet pot. Sizing tell? (probably not folding with those stacksizes)
He plays 40/30 over 109 hands, though most of those hands were 6handed with 2 pretty big fish at the table, so that might skew things in any given direction. He seems agro, and my gutfeeling tells me he is probably prone to make aggression-mistakes playing deeper than 100ish bb stacksizes. He is also 3betting 15%, though only a small hand-sample. But that should remove alot of AKQx hands from his flatting-range, I would assume.
I'm playing much tighter, in the 25/18 area.
-May check turn in a 3bet pot with topset+nFD to c/rai versus bet, so watch out for check/potting
-Have pot-donked T2P+Flushdraw in a big 3way 3bet pot. Sizing tell? (probably not folding with those stacksizes)
He plays 40/30 over 109 hands, though most of those hands were 6handed with 2 pretty big fish at the table, so that might skew things in any given direction. He seems agro, and my gutfeeling tells me he is probably prone to make aggression-mistakes playing deeper than 100ish bb stacksizes. He is also 3betting 15%, though only a small hand-sample. But that should remove alot of AKQx hands from his flatting-range, I would assume.
I'm playing much tighter, in the 25/18 area.
(4 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $7, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $5
Hero raises to $7, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $5
(2 Players)
BB bets $10,
Hero raises to $36,
BB calls $26
I just won a pot from him, where he donk-betted bottom-pair + low flushdraw heads up versus me. I called the flop with topset (we were deep) with the plan to raise or bet good turns, hoping the deepness would/could make him make some mistakes. The board got ugly (4cards to a straight) and he bet river into me (after turn went check/check) and I called with the split-straight. He had air, and I won a medium sized pot.
In retrospect, I'm not sure this hand is strong enough to stack off 200bbish deep, with these reads and the slight gutfeel / hope that him seeing me slowplaying set would make him think I'm bluffing here.
Thoughts on this part in particular?
In retrospect, I'm not sure this hand is strong enough to stack off 200bbish deep, with these reads and the slight gutfeel / hope that him seeing me slowplaying set would make him think I'm bluffing here.
Thoughts on this part in particular?
(2 Players)
BB checks
I'm kind of lost here. Not to keen on bet/comitting, and not to keen on giving up value versus worse hands that might call. With the ammount of reads I don't feel competent enough to know whether or not I can bet/call for value/protection, or if I have to bet/fold.
Are we checking behind, with plan to valuebet(/fold) flushes. Valuebet house, and bluff-catch alot of rivers, or are we bet/shoving / bet/folding?
Are we checking behind, with plan to valuebet(/fold) flushes. Valuebet house, and bluff-catch alot of rivers, or are we bet/shoving / bet/folding?
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Oracle tells me that PLAYER_1 will have 87xx 10% of the time, giving him a range of 40%. This will obviously be higher, since he'll fold a big part of that range given how the flop-action went.
Another half-likely scenario
All-in Equity
I like raising the flop for value if you expect him be tilting and to call a lot. Turn is a blank. Bet big.
checking back alot of turns here, but not the 6
Probably bet/calling 70. Your gaining a lot when he folds hands w/ good equity vs you and after betting you only need 33% to call it off vs his ch/jamming range(you probably have ~27% equity when behind), which should contain enough semi-bluffs on this card that bet/calling is ok.
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