200nl: Messy 3 bet pot facing river Jam
Posted by 24Caliber
Posted by 24Caliber posted in Mid Stakes
200nl: Messy 3 bet pot facing river Jam
UTG: UTG: $1
HJ: MP: $579.39
CO: CO: $295.90
BN: Hero: $283.79
SB: SB: $198
BB: BB: $296.10
HJ: MP: $579.39
CO: CO: $295.90
BN: Hero: $283.79
SB: SB: $198
BB: BB: $296.10
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, MP raises to $8, CO folds, Hero raises to $28, SB folds, BB folds, MP calls $20
UTG folds, MP raises to $8, CO folds, Hero raises to $28, SB folds, BB folds, MP calls $20
The villain is playing 75/38/21
I 3-bet to get HU's vs the villain with a reasonable holding...pretty standard I think.
I 3-bet to get HU's vs the villain with a reasonable holding...pretty standard I think.
(2 Players)
MP checks,
Hero bets $30,
MP calls $30
So I done half pot sizing as a C bet...getting the sizing right in 3 bet pots is seemingly tricky, I've been doing smaller bets, especially in position, so that I have more leverage and options on later streets (subject to flop textures)
(2 Players)
MP checks,
Hero bets $60,
MP calls $60
Strange turn card, and I'm not really sure what to do - I've picked up more equity and can represent AAA so elected to bet (I bet half pot so that I can jam river if required, as I'm not that excited about my showdown equity without hitting on the river)...what are peoples thoughts on the turn, check/bet? what sizing if bet ?
(2 Players)
MP bets $240,
Hero folds
His river aggro is 18%.
I beat a hand like 6789...but I assume he has me on AAA a good % of the time and that he has completed on the river with some sort of KQ holding so elect to fold against his pot sized bet.
I beat a hand like 6789...but I assume he has me on AAA a good % of the time and that he has completed on the river with some sort of KQ holding so elect to fold against his pot sized bet.
Final Pot
wins $237
Feel like I spent a lot of this hand not really knowing what to do, or what I would do if say he check-jammed the turn.
Any comments appreciated as always :)
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