200bb+deep flat 3bet,3way flop pair+gutshot+bd fd

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200bb+deep flat 3bet,3way flop pair+gutshot+bd fd

UTG: $626.12
HJ: $473.85
CO: $126.98
BN: $280
SB: $682.13
BB: $475.80 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 4 8 7 5
UTG folds, HJ raises to $9.40, CO folds, BN raises to $33.60, SB folds, Hero calls $31.60, HJ calls $24.20
Flop ($101.80) 4 3 J (3 Players)

hj is 57/28/11

bn 32/23/11,reg

I think pf flat 3bet is strd.

What do you think the best flop play?

If the spr is low than 2,I think we can't fold this hand,the option is b/c or c/r,am I right?

Here,we against deeper stack,any other options?

1.c/f,but we have some ok equity

2.b/c gii,seems too light

3.b/c with bn,b/f with hj,seems decent

4.c/c with bn see what happen,maybe jam turn


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spassewr 10 years, 6 months ago

I agree that the pf cold call is standard, but im not sure its profitable if one or both players are decent and assume that you cc these hands.

1. seems to nitty

2. donking is ok since it puts the HJ in a tough spot with Jx no draw and QQ-KK

3. if we donk i dont think we can fold vs btn (unless hes a nit and always has 2p+ or 1p+OE) but we can fold vs HJ.

4. x-ring btn seems ok too.

whats best? cant say without post flop reads, the stats dont tell us that much. vs an over-cbettor x-ring button would be my preferred play...if HJ never donks and btn never bets anything except strong hands then checking assuming we get a free card may be best and folding vs a bet. if HJ will realize he is in a bad spot and therefore fold a lot (fold Jx and not call just "bc i have tp") i like donking unless i thought btn would put me on something like this...

...which is the unfortunate situation here, when you donk, if HJ folds, btn will obv never fold Jx or OP (except maybe KK82) and they are prob gonna go with it unless 7/6/5/2 falls which are the cards we like...we also have little feq vs any calling range on 9-A but will still be tempted to barrel esp if we turn a fd.

all these things have made me start folding these hands when OOP and with bad rel pos unless villain(s) are super passive/completely face up/pathological over-stabbers.

sry i couldnt give a conclusive answer, but i would never make my decision based on stats, their post flop tendencies would determine my line.

if you truly have no post flop reads, maybe some1 else can give a better general answer, what the best line vs avg opps with these stats is.

if you do have some post flop reads or stats then id gladly narrow my answer down :)

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