20-40 PLO LIVE- Different Lines to take

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20-40 PLO LIVE- Different Lines to take

Hey everyone,

First of all, very impressed about the design/layout of the website and the PLO video(s) so far (only watched PG's one) have been quite more interesting than before (deep, more LAG than in his past videos).

So this game is a 9 handed LIVE PLO, 20-40 blinds.


Villain is a TAG who acts on his reads and follows through some of the time. I have occasionally seen him make some naked bluffs and semi bluffs, and is surely capable of bluffing (although unsure about his tendencies of bluffing). I have played a hand with villain where I cbet Jd6d3c in a multiway flop, he cc. Turn is 6s, we both check, river 2d he check, i bet half pot, he CR and folded to my shove. Moreover, I have CR and donked into villain many times on dry boards/paired boards and he has floated me with a draw/air some of the time and bets the turn pretty wide for both value and bluffs. I believe he will also bluff more frequently on draws that hit the turn after I check more than he should.

Game has been playing pretty loose-goosey as a few 4bet multiway pot and 3bet multiway pots have been played.

Hero has JdJc8d8c


UTG + 1 (7k): Limps
UTG +2( 14k): Limps (Villain)
Button (8k): Raise to 200
SB (26k): Calls 200 (Hero)

UTG + 1 : Calls 200
UTG + 2: Calls 200

Sometimes I 3b this OOP for deception and plays better either HU or 3way and people put you on aces in a live game most of the time so its somewhat easy to play.

Flop: Js10c10s ($840)

I thought about donking out but button is considered the spot as he cbets often and will sometimes bet turn pretty light as well. UTG+1 is kind of tight passive. UTG+2 (Villain) will also bet any trips and draws alot but check back his medium strength hand like KK/QQ and sometimes really bad AA I think.

So UTG+2 (Villain) bets 500, folds to me, I CR to 1360. I choose this sizing as I have done some really small bets in 3b pots and I have folded the turn fast (And I think he realizes this) which makes me believe he thinks my small sizing is weak. I have also CR him 2 or 3 times with weak sizing on paired board/dry boards where he has called my flop check raise and bet the turn. He thinks a bit, does not look like he ever went to think about raising and did not grab extra chips. He also had a look that he almost folded so I thought it was pretty unlikely he had quads. And if he had quads, he might think I either have JJ or air and might click it back a small percentage of the time to induce a 4bet spazz. Villain is also not going to fold hands like AKQ10 A10Jx KQJ10 etc... to a flop CR

Turn: Qd
Js10c10sQd ($3520)

Turn I opted to check because I think he will bet his floating range (air, fds, straight draws) AND put me on a missed draw or naked trips after I check. Plus if I bet again and he has a straight, I think he might fold turn, but if I check turn, he might pay off river. He might even fold J10 if i bet turn but if I check turn he might pay me off on the river. Villain can definitely have Q-10 and bet or a weirdly merge J-10 that don't want to turn his hand face up (maybe not?)

I check, villain bets 1820. Hero calls.

River: 4h
Js10c10sQd4h ($7160)

Villain bets $4400. He can def bet Q-10 for value (but maybe smaller sizing sometimes??) Can we ever not call given history and dynamics? Can he ever be on a blocker bluff or some sort and make us fold J10?

He might bluff missed spades?

He shows up with KcQhQs5s

The question is... how would you have played the hand?
1) Should we just donk out flop given dynamics and just check call turn and potentially CR river as a better line? Is CR too FPS?

2) CR flop and bet turn, and evaluate river?

3) Check call flop, check call turn, cr or cc river given reads/sizing?

Interesting to point out that I might level myself into CR'ing if i check call and might bet call river if i donk and bet all the way so I might lose the same as the way I played this hand. But I will often win more against a hand like J10, Q10, A10 by playing this way?


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