,5/1€ 2 Pair flop decision
Posted by Hans Gusen
Posted by
Hans Gusen
posted in
Low Stakes
,5/1€ 2 Pair flop decision
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
CO: hoangha888: $99.03
BN: JunkieJulia: $120.31
SB: PalermoHuermo: $412.51
BB: runforlife: $100.00
UTG: zidKKne: $106.70
MP: HANSGUSEN37: $286.75 (Hero)
BN: JunkieJulia: $120.31
SB: PalermoHuermo: $412.51
BB: runforlife: $100.00
UTG: zidKKne: $106.70
MP: HANSGUSEN37: $286.75 (Hero)
HANSGUSEN37 is MP with
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Final Pot
JunkieJulia wins $53.20
Rake is $2.80
Rake is $2.80
hey guys,
UTG + CO are weaker players BTN is a reg.
is this fold too weak / do i have to get it in here?
I think his range consists of ~ 2pair, sets , pair + nfd and monsterdraws.
when running equities i have about 40% max. depending on how wide he´s potting it here.
what do you guys think?
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Potting it vs your bet and the caller inbetween definitely is strong. bet/pushing for 120bb with the weak player occasionally waking up with a better made hand would be terrible. Even if co always folds it's just not a great spot.
Bet calling is not great either, since there's just not a whole lot of turns on which you can continue.
I'd strongly lean towards checking the flop you do have a made hand w some nut outs and at least want to see a turn. Plus by giving BU a bit of a wider range you can continue on some straightening turns w your blockers.
i think betting is defenitly better than checking. we are PFR and flop 2pair on a drawy board.
Yeah we are the pfr. But what does it matter? The flop just hits the Bu a lot more (and probably the co too). I doubt that you get two folds ever. Meaning you'll have to play a turn. What turns are good for you? A non heart nine, that's it. Even your fulls aren't nut outs. This results in you bloating the pot and then making terrible decisions OTT by either check folding or bet folding equity, or bet calling in a close spot at best.
By checking you accept the fact that this board does not favour your range and also keep him from betting everything because now a check by you is not always a check fold.
+1 on checking flop
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