2-5 live tough river spot w/ AA

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2-5 live tough river spot w/ AA

The game plays pretty loose, with alot of preflop limpers. BN is fishy player, probably something like 40/15 over the 4 hours I have sat here. UTG players and button are playing pretty snug, not really out of line.

Hero is HJ w/ AsAdTsJc

UTG (580$) limps
Hero (500$) raises to 30$
BN (Villain) (700$) calls
BB + 2 UTG both call

Flop QcQh8c
Checks to Hero, opt to check. In a 5 way multi-way pot I just dont see the benefit to betting here. Button Checks

Checks to Hero, opt to check again. (I think this is more a bet for value, but figured button who was playing pretty aggressive would stab here a high % of time, and I could react by what the other 3 players do. Button bets 80$ folds back to hero. Now I have a decision, felt like button would raise a Q on flop, but due to other players folding maybe we have to weight his hand more towards having a Q.)
Hero calls.

River (310$)

I am pretty sure my hand looks alot like AAxx, so bad job by me.


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TJ Serdar 11 years, 11 months ago
Would usually just lead turn smallish.

As played, lead if you think he doesn't value bet Qx and doesn't bluff, ch/r if he value bets thinly or will follow through with his bluffs.
sted9000 11 years, 11 months ago
Depends how fishy the villain is. If he is only concerned with his hand and will bluff based on the fact that he has no SD value then I like a check. If you think he will notice that A is good for your range and you don't think he will bet any worse hands then I like a lead with a size that you think he could call w Qxxx
djnef01 11 years, 11 months ago
i doubt villain gets here with AQ without having bet a previous street. I'm snapping aces full OTR if thats the question, i find this thread a bit confusing
Joe Monge 11 years, 11 months ago
I called and villain had QQxx, seems like a typical bb story, but thinking, what could someone bet full pot on river without the QQ? Unless I am on exactly AA, nothing else can call such a big bet.

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