1/2plo 6max,kk77ss oop 3bet flop plan
Posted by GoSu8
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Mid Stakes
1/2plo 6max,kk77ss oop 3bet flop plan
HJ: $1301.30
CO: $357.18
BN: $240.70
SB: $200 (Hero)
BB: $151.98
CO: $357.18
BN: $240.70
SB: $200 (Hero)
BB: $151.98
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ folds, CO raises to $4.80, BN calls $4.80, Hero raises to $21.20, BB folds, CO folds, BN calls $16.40
HJ folds, CO raises to $4.80, BN calls $4.80, Hero raises to $21.20, BB folds, CO folds, BN calls $16.40
(2 Players)
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Btw, I don't think this hand is an automatic squeeze preflop. It's certainly a possibility, but depends a lot on player reads imo.
Tc8s2s flop after 3bing op w KK77ddhc, 100bb deep
Assumptions: Btn is flatting with a 30% opening range minus a ip 10% 3b range
Villains Optimized Flatting Range = 20.64%
Assumed Continuing Range = TT, 88, 22, T8, T2, 82, ss$op, (QJ, J9, 97):ss, (QJ, J9, 97)$op, QJ9, J97, (99, JJ, QQ, KK):ss = 10.31% optimized continuing range
Fold Equity Calc: 10.31/20.64 = 50%
Assume cbet size of 3/5 pot or $30
Profit/Loss of cbet = -30(.5) + 50.20(1-.5) = $10 profit
*** Lets check to make sure you should fold to shove ***
Equity vs continueing range (assuming he shoves 100% he continues) = 38%
Profit/Loss from cbet calling it off = 50.20(.5) + (400(.38) - 180)(1-.5) = $11.10
This says you should call it off with assumptions he is shoving his continueing range
Now make shoving range stronger parts of his continuing range: TT, 88, 22, T8, T2, 82, ss$op, (QJ, J9, 97):ss
This changes your equity from 38% to 34.5%
Profit/Loss from cbet calling it off = 50.20(.5) + (400(.345) - 180)(1-.5) = $4.10
Conclusions: none really, just that b-f looks to be better than b-calling vs shove (and better than x-f). Added benefit of cbet is you get to fold out whatever equity he has (aka protection).
* Can someone check my equations please
Looking at b-f option:
Tc8s2s flop after 3bing op w KK77ddhc, 100bb deep
Assumptions: Btn is flatting with a 30% opening range minus a ip 8% 3b range
Villains Optimized Flatting Range = 20.5%
Assumed Continueing Range = TT, 88, 22, T8, T2, 82, T:ss, 8:ss, 2:ss, (QJ, J9, 97):ss, QJT, QJ8, QJ2, JT9, J98, J92, T97, 987, 972, QJ9, J97, (99, JJ, QQ, KK):ss = 10.97% optimized continueing range
Fold Equity Calc: 10.97/20.5 = 53.5%
Assume cbet size of 3/5 pot or $30
Profit/Loss of cbet = -30(.465) + 50.20(.535) = $12.91 profit
*** Lets check to make sure you should fold to shove ***
Equity vs continueing range (assuming he shoves 100% he continues) = 32%
Profit/Loss from cbet calling it off = 50.20(.535) + (400(.32) - 180)(.465) = $2.68 profit
This says you should call it off with assumptions he is shoving his continueing range
Now make shoving range stronger parts of his continueing range: TT, 88, 22, T8, T2, 82, T:ss, 8:ss, 2:ss, (QJ, J9, 97):ss
Hmm...this actually changes your equity from 32% to 27.6%
Profit/Loss from cbet calling it off = 50.20(.535) + (400(.276) - 180)(.465) = $5.50 Loss
Conclusions: none really, just that b-f looks to be a lot better than b-c
Not sqz every time,but most time,I think it will be more profitalbe than flat pf,this hand is very strong and ok to play multiway.
But getting back to sqzing - I understand that having or not having this hand in your sqz range is gameplan and image dependent, but the way I see it, if you're expecting both players to call, which is the case in most sqz scenarios you will be forced to checkfold/betfold ~2/3 flops, but the time you betfold against two opponents in sqzed pot your FE is marginal on most flops and I think it's burning money.
If you have a good reason to think one of them is going to fold preflop with high freq. and you will be HU it gets profitable.
This hand plays good multiway, that's true. But it does not play good in big pots multiway because you cannot commit unless you nail the board. Maybe my gameplan is just different than yours but when I sqz OOP I like to have a hand that f l o p s well with high freq. which means that it is highly likely to catch a flop where I can comfortably bet-call + dominates opponents ranges. I know that seems nitty but when pots get big in PLO people act like monkeys, therefore you don't really have to care that your sqz range is tight. Trust me, you will still get action. And this is a non-stakes dependent fact.
If we choose bet, then we could not get value from ranges that could bluff or weaker hands. Also getting call on our bet would be hard for us to continue on any wrap or spade turn. By cr, we can induce to all in strong draw, which is favourable to us. Please say where i have mistake?
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