1/2plo 6max,call 3bet flop plan?

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1/2plo 6max,call 3bet flop plan?

BB: $107.98
UTG: $299.79 (Hero)
HJ: $200
CO: $441.24
BN: $317.84
SB: $96.92
btn 72 hands. 49 35, 3bet 21,af 5.7,very lag player.
bb 58 hands.38 0
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 9 8 T
Hero raises to $6, HJ folds, CO folds, BN raises to $21, SB folds, BB calls $19, Hero calls $15
Flop ($64.00) 6 3 T (3 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $40, BN raises to $181.20, BB folds, Hero folds
Final Pot
BN wins $141.20
I think there are 3 options,I am not sure,what do you think guys,
1.flop cc btn bet,but I don't like it.
2.flop cr,maybe there is some fe,and my hand against btn allin range is ok,btn if btn check,turn dificult play if not good card for me.
3.lead fold or call btn allin,if btn call my lead, turn still tough dicission mostly


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jonna102 11 years, 10 months ago
There's another option also: fold pre.

This can be a fine open from any position at a tight table, but I don't think it's necessarily standard. Given a button that 3-bets 21% I'd say the table conditions are not great for this type of hand.

In this case you're very likely behind both players ranges and you're oop to an aggro player with 150 bb deep stacks. That's not going to put you in a lot of profitable situations postflop.

As played, idk. All options suck basically.
GameTheory 11 years, 10 months ago
Opening this hand preflop is marginal with this player behind you. Limp/calling pre is also marginal since you don't have very strong nut potention. Double suited this hand is always an open.

On the flop this hand is a check, you have the best position in the hand possible. You will get to see what the BTN does and what the BB does before you have to act.

As played this is a clear fold.
sted9000 11 years, 10 months ago
I agree. Prob, not the going to be profitable open with aggressive btn.
If opened I think calling the 3b is ok/marginal given that you have good relative position, meaning that you can x and see what the btn does with a shallower stack between you (and are 150bb deep, with a hand that can potentially get it in pretty far ahead).
IDK about flop my intution tells me x-f is best (hand looks better than it is), but could be wrong about this.
ZenFish 11 years, 10 months ago
1) Open-fold from UTG sems best
2) Fold to the 3B seems best
3) As played, fold to raise

About flatting the 3B:

We're OOP and deep vs the 3-bettor. We're multiway with a hand that doesn't hit lots of flops well, and it has limited nut potential (which becomes increasingly important OOP as stacks get deeper ). Multiway action also limits our opportunities to (semi)bluff, and gives us fewer good flops (it's much harder for a mediocre hand to outflop two opponents than one) and more problems with domination and negative implied odds.

I don't see many favorable flop scenarios in our future, and I think flatting will just cause us to leak money.
GoSu8 11 years, 10 months ago
I never thought fold this hand pf to 3bet before,I saw lot plo 6max video,never see those good players fold to 3bet this type good hand.
ZenFish 11 years, 10 months ago
Good players can play lots of hands, especially heads-up and in position. Your situation is a bit trickier. If you think you can come out ahead here with a meh hand out of position, call the 3B. I think that will be difficult, though.
Tom Coldwell 11 years, 10 months ago
You'll end up burning a lot of money if you just try and transplant the plays made by high-stakes coaches into your game. What you need to do is try and understand the processes which lead them to make their decisions and then implement those because a lot of what they do, if simply mimicked, will work very poorly against most villains in lower games.

Also, guys like Oddsen etc. can make looser calls because they play incredibly well postflop and can therefore play a wider range profitably. FWIW, I picked Oddsen as my example because I remember seeing his first vid on here and thinking his preflop ranges were ridiculously loose, but this is true for many high-stakes players.

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