1/2 ZOOM over 250bb deep

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1/2 ZOOM over 250bb deep

BN: $225.54
SB: $650.37
BB: $825.27
UTG: $341.35
HJ: $2484.29
CO: $532.24 (Hero)
Playing Zoom so no reads or stats (does Omaha Manager support this, anyone know how to set this up?). The stacksize implies that the main villain is ok and probably fairly aggressive.
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 3 6 Q Q
UTG folds, HJ raises to $6, Hero calls $6, BN folds, SB calls $5, BB folds
Flop ($20.00) J Q 9 (3 Players)
SB checks, HJ bets $14, Hero calls $14, SB calls $14
Turn ($62.00) 4 (3 Players)
SB checks, HJ bets $44

Pre and flop probably pretty standard. Interesting turn, should we call or would raise be better? My thinking is that there is fair amount of open end straight draws with
some pairs that aggro player would play like this. We should be in pretty good shape against anything and with
a raise in my opinion we could get more value from draws (trips plus straight/flush draw maybe). Plus we are not
that bad shape vs anything. Also, I think river is a tricky spot, probably
not getting much value if we just call and hit anything.

What do you guys think, would you prefer
a call or a raise on the turn (and what sizing if any)?


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ggho22 11 years, 4 months ago

I don't understand your thinking , HJ Bets into two people on the flop and on the turn i'd say he has the nuts most of the time there. You say u want to raise to charge his draws but i don't see too many draws on QJ94 except than JJ (which i'm not sure he bets the turn with) and ATdd, QJTdd etc. Raising turn and getting shipped on is a disaster so i would just call the turn bet and hope i improve or see them checking the river so i can show down my hand. Also i don't think pre is standard.

Tom Coldwell 11 years, 4 months ago

I'm struggling to see the value in a raise here. You aren't wanting to get it in versus a straight (naked is fine, but it's possible to have one with blockers/redraws which could suck for you) whilst you risk folding out hands you would really rather came along. Imagine raising and getting it in versus a straight only to fold out JJ in the SB - what you've achieved is a big flip when you could have called with great implied odds.

We also have the benefit of position which means we should be able to play the river pretty well here, including extracting value on many of our hits (you may have to bet small, but if you can't find value when you fill up then what you have is a profitable call and a VERY profitable bluffing spot). I don't believe his 12x stack is enough of an indication that he's crazy wide here to justify a value-raise (I would entertain one if we were shorter to potentially clean up our flush draw, but as it's backdoor and we are very deep so could make a sizeable error doing this, I would avoid it).

All that said, I am not familiar with Zoom tendencies at all so I could be way off base here.

RunitTwice 11 years, 4 months ago

Your hand is too weak to raise it on the turn, having the nutfd maybe would make a turn raise better, but overall for the gameplan flatting is better.

another benefit is, when you trying to get T8xx to the showdown and the river pairs, always nice to have FH combs in there to make a credible bluff.



Tom Karlsson 11 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for the great comments, very spot on. I overvalued the hand and raised, calling is clearly better. Just thought if I could justify my bad play....

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