1/2 ZOOM (240BBs Deep) - Can i get away from this?
Posted by Fabse
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Mid Stakes
1/2 ZOOM (240BBs Deep) - Can i get away from this?
Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players)
BN: $297.20
SB: $301.99
BB: $219.79
UTG: $175.31
MP: $520.57
CO: $475.85 (Hero)
SB: $301.99
BB: $219.79
UTG: $175.31
MP: $520.57
CO: $475.85 (Hero)
UTG: 58/29 - lose Fish
HJ: REG - Didnt have many Hands on him at that point. Stats were at that point like 30/20 with three betting stats of around 7-10% with a decently high aggression factor
SB: Unknown
HJ: REG - Didnt have many Hands on him at that point. Stats were at that point like 30/20 with three betting stats of around 7-10% with a decently high aggression factor
SB: Unknown
Hero is CO with
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Made a pretty lose 3Bet against what i perceive as a lose open from a weak player. Not too worried about the HJ, as i am pretty with him and i assume him 3Bet here here wider than normal.
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Final Pot
wins and shows a full house, Nines full of Fours.
CO lost and shows a full house, Fours full of Fives.
MP wins $1004.00
Rake is $2.80
CO lost and shows a full house, Fours full of Fives.
MP wins $1004.00
Rake is $2.80
Had a pretty rough session yesterday, with me calling down in some big pots and ran into the nuts like all the time.
I know, i am very high in my range here and it's hard for me to have a full house in that spot, but i just don't see many of the regs in those limits going for a ch-r barrel with those stack sizes.
His value range should be very 99xx heavy here and he might be bluffing with 9xxx with spades, but probably just not often enough.
Is it just a cooler, or do u make an probably exploitable fold on turn/river?
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Full house vs. full house vs. a loose fish is definitely a cooler. That said, if he was a better player would you have played the hand differently and laid down the boat?
Well, UTG was a fish, but UTG+1 was a reg and we ended up clashing with him.
I probably just call preflop. This hand plays very well multiway with nut suit and some connectivity, but we probably would have to fold to 4b unhappily.
As played, I would probably fold river. His flop bet sizing makes sense as a bluff, because your perceived c-betting range on this flop would be fairly wide (thus, have to fold to his x/r often) and he is getting an excellent price on his bluff even with no equity. However, once you call flop AND turn, your range is OP + FD at least and sometimes trips or better, and people just don't bluff like this very often for 200bb+. On this particular river, you can have some flushes too if you got here with KK/AA with hearts, and he is still jamming.
Yes, we are high up in our range but that kind of goes out of the window when our opponents take a very exploitative line. I'd just sigh and fold our bottom boat.
That's a fine hand to 3bet vs a loose fish, but like Midori I don't like squeezing with it and playing a bloated multy-way pot. If we're unlikely to get into a HU pot with the fish, i'd rather play for implied odds with our nut suit and connectivity.
Flop is very standard. Anything after that is really villain depended. I don't fault you for calling down here and I'd probably do the same if I perceive my opponent to be both thinking and capable mentally of pulling off a huge bluff. He's representing exactly one hand (99), and you have a very strong hand considering that you squeezed preflop and thus don't have many 4x or 99 in your range.
Like Midori said, the toughest spot is probably the river. On the turn, you still have a bunch of overpairs in your range, especially since he raised you so small on the flop. But on the river your range has a lot of flushes and boats.
On the other hand, he's shoving for 40% of the pot which makes it much tougher for us to fold a boat. I would usually call this in-game and to be honest, I won't spend any time torturing myself about it if he does have 99. It's a theoretically sound call, and since this spot comes up so rarely, I prefer to focus on other spots that can really increase my winrate. If you're going to torture yourself when you see the nuts then definitely fold, because most of the time that's going to happen.
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