10PLO - Flop the nuts and then put in the cage 190bbs deep
Posted by SnowmanMOT
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Low Stakes
10PLO - Flop the nuts and then put in the cage 190bbs deep
BN: $19.51
SB: $10.56
BB: $10
UTG: $18.80 (Hero)
HJ: $10
CO: $21.78
SB: $10.56
BB: $10
UTG: $18.80 (Hero)
HJ: $10
CO: $21.78
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $0.35, HJ calls $0.35, CO folds, BN calls $0.35, SB calls $0.30, BB folds
Hero raises to $0.35, HJ calls $0.35, CO folds, BN calls $0.35, SB calls $0.30, BB folds
(4 Players)
SB checks,
Hero checks,
HJ checks,
BN bets $1,
SB folds,
Hero calls $1,
HJ raises to $5.44,
BN raises to $18.76
Hi all :)
HJ - 44/21/01.8 over 49 - seemed okay if a little fishy
BN - 29/14/02.5 over 328 - decent reg
I admit that not c betting may not be the best play.
I make this play quite often when I'm OOP with the naked nuts in a multi way pot and when I'm deep. I find that it keeps the pot small and massively disguises my hand when the board bricks and helps get me paid.
I think c betting is the standard play and not doing it got me into quite a tough spot. I think the best I can hope for is a chop and I'm very likely to be freerolled here.
Snow :)
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you aren't using proper logic imo, you have the nuts, you go for check raise there
I know you don't have significant redraw, which would be way better, yet, you can't have that many hands that are same times nuts with redraw - those you can play slower
You are 65 percent equity against hand with a set, so, go for it
You can't wait perfect nuts with redraws to play poker
I think x/r with the nuts is never a bad thing to do but I think this deep it makes our hand pretty face up with plenty of action on later streets. I like x/r with the redraws because you freeroll people who just have the naked nuts and is incredibly profitable.
I like x/c here because it disguises my hand and gets me max value from bluffs or when villains value bet much worse hands, that they may otherwise fold to a x/r or a c bet into 3 other people, which looks super strong.
I know balance isn't too important in low stakes but I like to be able to x/c here and stop villains from just barreling me off marginal hands.
llol . well. hand is multiway so really half of ppl in your pot for sure have no idea what balance is
use that plays in HU pots with very aggressive villains
and get value , you play to get value!!! keep that in mind
Redraw with ace is only 6 percent better then your hand, 53/46 percent, and id say HJ has str8 and btn wh u re playing side pot with maybe squeezing with equity behind urs
Umm..thinking about it now again, answer to this situation is pure maths shouldn't be speculation
Only correct thing to do is simply to do whole EV for that particular spot, because you wil be often in similar situation
:P if you do, share, I'm lazy atm
I like your play, for all the reasons you gave. I play exactly the same way here.
I think this is probably a fold now.
I've spent the last 15mins running sims and it is hard to find ranges for villains which give us more than 30%.
If we put BTN on KJ:20% (reasonable? he seems pretty tight), then we are in trouble.
Vs KJ:20% we have 45%
Vs KJ:20% for BTN and (KJ,QQ,TT,J8):(30%) for KJ we have 33.7%, and who knows if HJ is playing this way with his J8's .... if he isn't things get really bad
This adds up to us losing money :(
Thanks for running the sims! I did muck it and the more comments I see the happier I am with that play :)
how likely is that both players have KJ?
not sure ... I gave HJ sets + J8 too ... and we are still not doing well enough. Btn seems pretty tight, seems like wishful thinking to expect him to play J8,QQ like this.
did u do whole ev for the spot?
cause one shoulda have set other kj ( with possible redraw ) so we re 61 vs set and out of that 61 we have some 5-wish possible loss on account of redraw and what if 1 have 1 hand and other the other ( and reverse should change ev as well )
i dont understand your analysis. It is definitely not true to say that one should have a set, and the other should have KJ. They both have KJ in their range.
I think that given btn's tight stats, and his line (Pot when he has the opportunity to close the action and see a free turn card) he probably has KJ every time, so I give btn a range of KJ:20%.
If we give HJ a range of (KJ,QQ,TT,J8):(30%) (So any straight, top two sets AND 30%)
then we have 33% of the main pot, and 45% of the side pot.
.33*30 + .45*17.60 - 17.45 = +0.37. This does not take the huge rake into account, with rake this is negative EV.
Personally, I think my range for HJ is probably too wide as it is, and if we tighten it up our situation deteriorates......or maybe im being way too pessimistic :)
Obv borderline :) yet not minus, and its not like one of them wil have redraw to higher 100 percent and in case one doesn't have set or kj but something silly like j9 or tjq it maybe even better +ev
I like how you played it and would take the same line. I'd also fold this now.
My question would be whether we actually have a c-betting range here? If we're at all concerned with balance I'd play my range like that: c/f air, c/c bare nuts/sets/maybe some AK/QT with backdoors, c/r nuts+redraw
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