<100PLO: Active Skype Group?
Posted by Pokergirlcruz
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Low Stakes
<100PLO: Active Skype Group?
Is there an active skype group for members who play below 100PLO?
If there is, please add me: cruzgirlcruz2222
Thank you ;).
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Let me know if you find one. Im interested of that too.
Most definitely!
I would be interested too, pm me if you guys get this going
+1 me too
I got an idea.
Why don't we make a group ourselves? I think most of the groups in the past either don't exist or they maybe for higher stakes.
What do you all think?
Sounds good. Im not sure how to actually create a group at skype so can you do it?
Me too. I'm not sure how to create a group in Skype.
I'll see if I can find a way to make it.
Hey guys i woud also be interested in joining in on the group, my skype is mielaz.jensen
Hey, Please add me to PLO skype group
Please add me too, I could not decide which group is active but this post seems more up to date
Hey. Im also looking for a skype group. I play plo10 zoom
Skype name Ras_Bel
Bump - did anybody ever set up a group?
I play 50PLO zoom on stars - interested in joining or starting a small stakes group.
Skype: elchupacabra117
Feel free to add me/talk about hands or wtv. I'm online a lot in the day/evening.
Added you heinsenberg
I'm adding ppl to rio plo Skype group. It's the one zen fish runs, I think.
Can I get an add as well? Skype is Tonic1223
Would be interested in joining too, playing 50PLO
Skype: irung00d
If you actually have an active group, please add me too. Skype: Kyyberi
group still active?
If I didn't add anyone please pm me
What's status on this?
rio chat is alive and kicking ;)
I PMed you :)
Add me pls, eggs4dinner
add me plz also kevin.jung89
Mcdonkeyplo @ skype PLO50-PLO100
Pls add me also: plo50z Skype: Nagelring77
I'll add everyone.
Just let me know ;)
Add me too, skype - " draill "
Like to be in on this one aswell. filip.manneby is my skype name
hi Pokergrilcruz, I've pmed you my skype ID, please add thanks.
Im interested too. Please add me, skype name: irregular999
hey! im very interested, pls add me, skype name: gadi1948
my skype is para.dox77 please add me to group :)
can you add me to the group too?
Please add me also. Skype: zamzzzone
Hey! Please add me as well.
My skype name is "Wub Inski"
Hi I'm playing 25 and 50PLO on stars, add me if you can.
Skype: xicobeto12
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